Do the Hokey Pokey

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School was over. I couldn't wait to see my boys again. Kelly knew better than to even try to talk to me on my way out of the building. I was in a rush to drop the books I didn't need off and stuff my bag for the trip home. I vaguely saw Trey come up and try to chat with me at the locker, but ignored him since it was just boring small talk.

I slammed the door and took off down the hall for the front doors. He followed, a little irritated by the look I caught in the corner of my eye as he kept pace with me. Most students parted a path for my way out, having been used to my routine. When my eyes hit daylight, they were searching for the boys' Toyota out front. I spotted it just to the right.

"Don't bother Trey. He only has eyes for them now." I vaguely heard Kel say wryly as I made a bee-line through the students already outside to their car. I dropped my bag and took a jump into Rafe's arms, kissing him hard on the mouth while Gabe watched with a smile.

"Hey babe. How was school?" Rafe asked breathlessly. I grinned and shrugged. His hands were feeling up my butt in my jeans, stopping dead when they encountered the paper crinkling in my pocket.

"It was okay. I met a new kid, that's his number in there. Do you want to meet him?" I was plopped on my feet and passed to my other boyfriend for another ass-grabbing make out session against the car. I panted from the dizzying kisses and licked my lips hungrily. Maybe they would say no...

"Sure, if he has the balls to give our boy his number I suppose we should take notice." Gabe growled at me. I pouted but turned to wave over at Kelly and Trey still standing out by the front door as they... well whatever they were doing. Kel took the cue and brought the hunky new guy over to meet my boys.

"Trey, these are my boyfriends. Rafael and Gabriel Baumann. Guys, this is my new friend Trey. He is going to be on the team this year." I introduced everyone once they were next to us and watched his almost comically widened eyes as they took the situation in.

"Uh, nice to meet you... both." He stuck out his hand and they both shook it with a smile, one at a time. The small talk that followed covered the strange feeling as the jocks all sized each other up. Trey was pleasant to them, polite in general, and seemed to slowly be getting over his shock. They must have come to some sort of understanding as we stood there though, and then my boys hauled me off home.

"He seems like a nice enough kid."

"Should we be worried, Theo?" I laughed at the question.

"Definitely not." I replied without hesitation. My boys exchanged grins in the mirror. Uh oh. Maybe I was the one who should be worried.

"So, we were thinking"

"You seem to have gotten pretty used to us now."

"We were going to have Dad or Sam help stretch you out"

"But now we just want to keep you happy"

"So we will do it ourselves." I was looking from one to the other as I tried to follow the conversation. They were doing what now? Rafe looked at me expectantly from the back seat, like he wanted a reply. I was confused. What was I supposed to be responding to? "Okay?"

"Uh, I guess?" I saw two happy faces in the car and figured it was the right answer. I really needed to follow their surround conversations better. I had no idea what I had agreed to from that. Was I agreeing that I was happy? That I was used to them? Ah, whatever. It couldn't be any worse than anything that we had done so far in this crazy relationship. I mean, I f*cked their dad for heaven's sake. (and it was HOT)

"Come on Theo. Let's get to work." Rafe pulled me out of the passenger seat with more excitement than I had seen from him in a while. Even Gabe looked stoked for the night to come. I was suddenly really glad that it was a Friday, because I had a feeling that I wouldn't be going home that night.

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