It's Not Easy Being Green

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It came upon me so suddenly that I think I terrified my boys. One minute I was perfectly healthy and playing video games with them and the next I was passed out in a dead faint on the floor. When I woke up I was having my temperature taken, in the boring way, and I had a raging headache. I had been feeling 'off' for days now and I guess my body just gave up.

"You have a fever, son." The sexy man who was checking the device said to me with a frown. I smiled up at him and winced. The sounds hurt my head, the smile hurt my head, and his charming good looks hurt my head. He smirked at me and moved so my boyfriends could come in close and see how I was.

"You think our dad is good looking too?" Damn. I must've said it out loud.

"I think we are going to look more like him when we get older." 

"Can you wait until then to f*ck something that sexy?"

They were making my head spin, so I just groaned and rolled over on my stomach. I threw a pillow over my head to block out their chatter. I must have been exhausted because I fell asleep like that. When I woke up, my head was still spinning and now my whole body ached. I felt awful. Rafe gave me a cup of water to drink and I almost spilled it all over myself. I felt really weak. He held it for me and made me drink it all.

They were fussing over me. It was cute, but I wasn't able to really enjoy it. To be honest it just sucked having my two beautiful boys hovering over me and teasing me with their proximity when I couldn't do anything. I loved being holed up in their bed usually, but this time it was pure torture. I was fed soup and crackers. I was given lots of liquids. I was also pouting.

"Can't we just..." I whined. Two heads shook no with glum expressions. "But what if we..."

"Dad said no. No hanky panky. You are sick. We don't want to hurt you." Gabe insisted. Rafe nodded along with his speech and I sighed. This was so boring. I couldn't play video games because it gave me worse headaches, I couldn't have sex because I was 'too delicate,' and I couldn't even go to the bathroom without help because I was so weak and sore.

"Wait, what about if you guys give me a show? Is that breaking the rules?" I brightened up at the thought and looked hopefully at my boys. They looked surprised. They exchanged a glance between them.

"Uh, you want us to..."

"what exactly? Make out?"

"Or do you mean..."

"Have sex." I nodded vigorously. They both gulped at the same time. They were considering it though from the looks passed between them. I may not have been part of the unspoken conversation between them, but I think I caught the drift of it. Are you up for it? I don't know, are you? I guess I am if you are? I mean sure, if it makes him happy? I mean I guess I have always been curious... Yeah me too. So are we doing it? Yeah, yeah let's do it.

"Yessss." I hissed as I saw them give in. They grinned and moved closer to each other on the bed. The kissing part was easy, I had seen them do that before many times, but the touching and stuff was going to be newer. It was so sexy to watch their mouths battle. Seeing it from back here, I really understood why some people couldn't help but watch them. It was like superporn, especially now that they were fumbling with where to put their hands.

I was interested to see if one of them would try to dominate the other. Maybe they would try to keep it even and take turns? Oh my god I couldn't wait to see... so far all they were doing was sticking their tongues down each others throats. I was in heaven watching them anyways. I licked my dry lips when Rafe finally went for Gabe's shirt. He pulled it off in one go and then took his own off. Gabe was going for his brother's button on his jeans.

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