Teasing Mr. Crocodile

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Dan was bored. That was the only excuse he had for what he was doing. It all started when he was told to stay away from Theo, and that boy spent most of his time at Dan's house. Maybe it was to hang out with his big brothers, but still he thought it was rather rude that he wasn't allowed in his own home. He might have ignored his big brothers' request, but there were two of them and one of him.

He saw what happened when Sam pissed them off and he was damned sure not to make the same mistake. Instead he decided to hang out with his school friends Matt and Mila. They were brother and sister but like him, they didn't fight with each other too often as siblings. They got along rather well in fact. It made him miss the times he hung out with his own brothers.

They were growing up though and as the youngest it felt like he was getting left behind a little. First Sam and then the twins came of age. Then everyone started getting boyfriends. He wasn't sure if he was completely straight, and the time with Theo had convinced him that he could definitely swing either way. The problem seemed to be that most guys he was interested in were tops. 

He was still underage too. He supposed he could have just tried looking for someone his own age, but he didn't really want to get serious. Instead he flirted. Pretty much with anything that walked on two legs. If they were good looking, smart or just interesting then he enjoyed it. If he was bored, then they didn't have to be any of those things.

There was one person that was all of those things in his book. To his friends' utter chagrin, he took an instant liking to their dad. So much so that he began spending all his spare time at their house. Matt told him he was wasting his time. Mila said that as much as she enjoyed watching her father make mincemeat of his flirting, she wished he would just stop and get a boyfriend already.

He couldn't stop. It was too much fun. Honestly. He loved watching that stoic expression as he bit his lip, turned on the charm, stuck his arse out and generally made blatant sexual comments in his presence. The man didn't move a muscle. There was no tic, no blink, not even a raised eyebrow. Just a low voice and drawling accent telling him to go play with 'Mateusz and Milena.'

Dismissed. Set down. Not even worth a come back. He loved it. He craved it. It made him shiver how the man could grind him beneath his foot without moving a muscle. The sinking in his heart was like a shot of adrenaline. It made him want to try harder. It made him want to strip naked and parade around the house in the hopes of a reaction. Something. Anything.

"Are you coming over again today Dan?" Matt was standing next to his sister and they both stared him down with disapproving glances. He grinned and nodded.

"Of course I'm coming over. You two would miss me way too much." He shot back as he flung an arm over Mila's shoulder. She rolled her eyes and blew her pale blond bangs from her face. Her brother and her had nearly identical hair, eyes and build. Mila's light locks were a little longer and cut across her face each time she bent down to grab something from her locker.

Matt's were currently tucked behind one ear to show off the gray-blue eyes underneath. Both siblings were slim and athletic. Many of their friends had predicted Dan would end up dating one of them. Or both, once they realised what a flirt he really was. Currently Matt's eyes were impassive and regarded Dan with some amount of distrust.

"You mean you would miss harassing our father too much." He said dryly in response. Dan didn't deny it, just fell into step as the two turned from the lockers and headed out to the car park. Mila was older and had been driving since the moment she was legally allowed. She was nice enough to agree to drive the other two around if they paid for gas.

"I can't help it. He is so...." He gestured wildly as he flopped into the backseat. Matt laughed and shook his head.

"Quiet? Indifferent? Completely out of your league?" He quipped to the boy in the back seat who looked like he was daydreaming.

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