Rain, Rain, Go Away

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It was raining. A thunderstorm raged outside the windows and I flinched every time I saw a flash of lightning or the window rattled with thunder. My boys decided, intelligently, to stay inside today. They were trying various ways of distracting me from my distress. The video games had been put on hold when the power finally flickered out, leaving us mostly in the dark.

"Do you guys think I'm feminine? Do you think I am weak?" I blurted out as we laid on their bed in a cuddle session, surrounded by mini LED candles. I had been thinking about it ever since I had sex with Mr. Baumann. Why did he have me dress up in girls' lingerie? Was I really that girly? Is that why all these boys wanted me? Because I was feminine?

"What? Why would you think that?" Gabe replied.

"We are gay, Theo. We wouldn't be with you if we weren't into guys."

"Besides, you are probably the strongest boy we know. How you manage to keep up with the two of us is beyond me." My boys both stared at me in concern. Ever since we had a talk about my insecurities again and they realised how much it was bothering me, they had both been very affectionate and trying to pay more attention to my needs.

"I guess it is because your dad had me dress in lingerie, and... well your brothers just assumed they could top me. Everyone here is so much stronger than I am. It doesn't feel fair. I should have been able to punch Sam in the eye myself." I pouted at them.

"Aw pumpkin. Sometimes it isn't about physical strength, you know?" I sighed.

"We admire you for your mental strength."

"But if you still want to punch Sam in the eye..."

"We'll hold him down for you." They glanced at each other with a wicked look of glee and I knew they would do that for me if I asked. They had already given him a black eye, bruised rib and torn his favorite shirt though....

"No. It's okay. I think his apology was enough for now. Just... I don't think I want to play with them anymore. Okay? I feel better when it is just us, so let's keep it the three of us for awhile ." I admitted to them. They hugged me close and whispered promises in my ears. I was content again. Even if their claims of me being masculine and stuff seemed a little far fetched. I'll accept a little patronising in their efforts to console me.

"Baby, you seem really down."

"How about we cheer you up?"

"Yeah, we have been talking about it for months now..."

"And we figure it is about time you got a chance to top us." Gabe and Rafe both grinned at my shocked expression and I will admit I let out a high pitched screech in my excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?! Yes! Bring it on bitches!" I leapt up and jumped on top of Gabe with an oomph. Rafe was laughing at me as I kissed the crap out of him underneath me. He pouted when I came up for air.

"Aw, how come I go first? Am I really more feminine?" He teased me with blinking lashes. I growled at him.

"No, it's because you always leave me with a sore ass!" I retorted. He kissed me then, making me forget for a moment why I was mad at him.

"I'm sorry, my love. You just get me going so good...." He licked his lips and smiled sheepishly at me. It was hard not to forgive someone so freaking adorable. I pecked his lips and felt Rafe shift behind me to hold me close. I sat up on Gabe's lap with Rafe pressed against my back, leaving little kisses all along the back of my neck. I got busy, pulling open his jeans and working his c*ck so he was nice and horny.

I figured I would go down on him and let him finish before I stuck it in. Most times that was what my boys did for me these days. It was always a pleasure to have one of their c*cks down my throat. Today I had the pleasure of Rafe eating out my hole while I downed Gabe's. It was fantastic. Gabe seemed to really like when I moaned around his meat while I was sucking him off.

I made sure to get the lube out and stretch him open a bit before I put it in. I knew he liked it rough, but I really preferred it slow and passionate for my first time topping. He was still nice and tight, since he rarely used that side. I was jealous to think he might've let his dad do this before Rafe, but they both assured me that their dad respected that they were both tops.

I was panting a bit, trying to keep from going too quickly from all the excitement I was feeling for it being my first time. Rafe had my first back door, Gabe had my first frontal assault. This was so exhilarating, watching my boy beneath me as I went in and out. I made him do all those faces. I was making him feel this. He was just... yumm and wow. I didn't have the right words.

My brain was turning to mush as I moved my hips. Rafe saw me faltering a bit. He helped steady my hips and thrust me forward in a quick rhythm so I wouldn't slip out. It was pretty great, but I had to admit to myself that I really preferred being the bottom. This was hard work with a guy twice my size! I couldn't pull him around and manhandle him like they did to me. I had to adjust my angle, hold on for dear life, and try not to fall over.

"Mmm, I'm gonna cumm. Can I cumm inside you?" I asked Gabe. He nodded his head and I stopped holding back the feeling that was building inside me. I felt his muscles moving around me as I arched and sprayed his insides. He reached up and stroked my hair back, then pulled me in for a kiss when I was done. My c*ck was still dribbling a little onto his abs.

"Hey now, when's it going to be my turn?" Rafe whined from behind me. I turned with a smile and held out my arms to him. He pounced, tackling me off of Gabe and making me giggle with his possessive growl. It was funny that for all Gabe seemed to me like he would be more dominant, he was the more submissive of the two. Rafe wasn't letting me lead our first time, taking control of our kisses and tumbling about.

I didn't mind that much though. They promised me a first time with both of them, and if Rafe was more comfortable doing it this way then who was I to argue. Especially when I landed comfortably in Gabe's lap, his taught stomach and chest acting as my pillow while Rafe climbed onto my lap. He grinned and pecked my lips as he worked himself with his fingers covered in lube.

"You seemed tired with Gabe, just sit back and let me take care of everything sweetheart." He stroked a sweet hand through my hair and I sighed as he lowered himself onto my c*ck. It was heavenly, his tight ring passing over me as he rocked his hips. Gabe stroked down my arms and laced his hands in mine. Then he raised them to stroke over his brother gently.

"You guys are the best. I can't even tell you..." I felt my tears spilling onto my cheeks and Rafe stopped to see if I was okay, stroking my cheeks. "Don't stop, moron. That feels good." I snapped at him with a sniff. They both chuckled and Rafe resumed his sensual dance on my lap. Gabe reached down with one hand and I used my other to help him pump Rafe's c*ck.

His brother threw his head back with a sigh and I watched his abs clenching as his hips faltered. I let Gabe take over so I could brace myself and thrust my hips up to help him. He cried out at the first snap and it ramped me up to do it again. It wasn't easy to push up from the bottom like that, but every cry and expression on Rafe's face was worth it.

He spilled his seed onto my chest and I sighed in satisfaction at my accomplishment. Then he rode me while Gabe focused his attentions on my chest. His hands were quite gentle as he rolled my nipples in his fingertips and stroked down my sides to make me shiver. Rafe leaned forward and I tilted my head back so I could watch them kiss right in front of me with his strong body pressed to mine.

These boys knew all my buttons. I didn't even have time to ask before I was spilling my own hot seed inside my boyfriend. He grinned into his kiss and they broke away so he could lean down and peck my lips again. Gabe was kissing my hair and his hands pet my body as I came down from my orgasm. Rafe pulled off of me and then laid on top gently, making my favourite sandwich.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. You boys really are the absolute best. I love you so much." I whimpered a little when they crushed me even more between them.

"We love you too Theo."

"So much."

"Whatever you want."

"You just have to ask." The rain still fell outside the window, but the thunder didn't seem to bother me anymore.

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