Three of These Things Belong Together

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To say the student body was in shock was the understatement of the year. It was out, through no fault of my own, that I was now dating the two handsomest guys in our school... maybe our town. I am not sure if it was the fact that they were gay, the fact that they were dating one person together, or the fact that it was me that came as the biggest shock. Probably just all of it.

The boys were confused. The girls were jealous. It was quite obvious that the twins were smitten though. They walked me to my classes. They sat on either side of me at lunch. They followed me to my locker and even tried to sneak a little PDA in the halls. One would block as the other snuck kisses and then they'd swap. It was a little overwhelming, but not unwelcome.

Today was the first day that I would be spending time with them both outside of school. I had agreed to go on a date with them. I was both looking forward to it, and dreading it. I wasn't sure where they wanted to take me on this date, and the uncertainty had me digging through my closet for thirty minutes trying to decide what to wear. Casual? Semi formal? Club worthy? I shook my head and called for my big sister.

"What? Holy cow, this room is a disaster. What happened? Did a bomb go off in your closet?" She was chewing gum and staring at the mess I made while I whined on the floor.

"Sis, you gotta help me. I have a date. I have no idea where they are taking me..." I pulled my hair in frustration. She just held up a hand and glared at me.

"Whoa. Back up. They? As in more than one? What the heck little bro..." She sat next to me and I leaned against her shoulder.

"Okay, so you know how I told you about my fascination with the twins?" I started. She nodded with widening eyes. "I sort of figured out how to tell them apart, confessed to them, and now we are dating. I haven't told mom and dad yet because... well I am not really sure how to." I smiled innocently at her as she started laughing at me.

"Oh my god. You are so screwed. First off, everyone who has the hots for them now probably hates your guts. Second, now you have to satisfy two lovers and you are a virgin. Third, well... good luck telling the parents without one of them fainting." She cackled. At that moment I really hated her guts, but I still needed fashion advice so I just rolled my eyes and gestured helplessly around me.

"Whatever, that doesn't have anything to do with my current problem. What the heck am I gonna wear?" I laid out on a pile of clothes behind me. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers and began looking around at the mess. After digging a little, she pulled out a pair of black and white tye-dye skinny jeans and threw them at me. I looked at them with trepidation. I knew how hard it was to get into these. They were like paint when you got them on, and sexy as hell.

Next she found a cut up Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt and threw that at my head. I surveyed the black and white theme going on and nodded. A few other things were tossed on my bed including some leather bracelets, a studded leather belt, a silver chain, barrettes with skulls on them and my case of studs for various piercings. I struggled to get the jeans on, not bothering with underwear since it would just make it harder. The top was comfortable and the knots up the back showed off my killer tattoo.

If they were going to be with me, might as well show them exactly what they were getting themselves in for. I tied on the bracelets, all stacked on one wrist with my watch. I clasped the chunky chain around my neck, shivering at the cool metal against my skin. Then I put in my studs, smiling at myself in the mirror before my sister attacked my hair with a brush. I hissed as she caught a knot, but when the product was in and the barrettes placed cutely I was pretty satisfied with the end result.

I was somewhere between cute and rock and roll. I wasn't feminine but not really masculine either. I hoped I didn't disappoint them when they showed up. Speaking of which, I should probably warn the parental units. I skipped downstairs with my sis, who insisted she had to come watch the fireworks. I laughed and shrugged, maybe she could help if one of them did faint.

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