Ay-ples and Bay-nay-nays

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"I can't believe you three are still together." My best pal Kelly shook her head at me. It was after Thanksgiving break and I had been complaining about having two dinners to go to. It was so filling once, and just torture to eat so much twice in one weekend. My stomach still ached from the thought of all the food. We had been too full for our usual antics, and that was saying something.

"Thanks Kel, your faith in us is inspiring." I replied dryly. She just grinned and clutched her books to her chest tightly. I slammed my locker shut and joined her with the others on their way to classes.

"I know. I am just saying what everyone else here is thinking though. I mean, it is absolutely lovely that you are in my humble opinion. It makes your fan club happy to see them pick you up at the end of the day." She commented and I nodded wryly. A group of girls came to watch every single time. It was slightly embarrassing.

"I have to get to class. See you at lunch?" I replied quickly. She nodded and I took off down the hall and around the corner to my room. I went in and waved to two of my friends in the class before taking a seat. The bell was going to ring any second and we had assigned seating. The teacher wasn't unreasonable, just a little strict in this class.

As long as I did my homework, didn't play on my phone, and didn't pass notes while he was talking it was fine. It really wasn't too much to ask for the students to pay a little attention, and he tried to make it relevant for us. Tried, but only sometimes succeeded. Unlike my next class. Yeah that teacher didn't try. Those kinds are so hard to take seriously.

You say you expect me to put all my effort into your class but you don't even put effort into teaching? Yeah right. Good luck with that. That class was pretty much a free for all under the desk texting all your friends. He didn't even bother taking the phones or giving detention so nobody ever got into trouble for it. I liked to check in on my boys then, that way I would get a text back for lunch.

I waited for that bell. It was like music to my ears. I would grab my bag, throw my stuff in it haphazardly, and rush off to get in line for lunch. I almost always got a sandwich, fruit and milk. Today they had chocolate chip cookies, so I grabbed one of those too. I plopped down at our usual table, the one that used to be next to the twins' table. Kel joined me with her lunch and Gilles took my other side with his girlfriend at his elbow.

"Hello gorgeous." She said. I bumped her and grinned as I took a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich. I couldn't stomach more turkey if I tried.

"How was first half?" I asked her after I swallowed. She shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"Grand. Pop quiz in Geography. Ms. K was on a mission to convince us all to be mathematicians today." She grumbled.

"Oh joy. I have her next." I blinked as two people filled my field of vision. I looked up to see one of Rafe's old friends who was in my grade. I believe they were on the team together back then. He was with a stranger I had never seen before.

"Hey guys, this here is Trey. He is new here, and I think coach is recruiting him for the team. Do you mind if he sits at our table?" The guy, Matt's brother Lance I think it was, asked us with a hopeful smile. Was I supposed to give him permission? It wasn't like it was my table or anything. I rolled my eyes in a glance to Kelly. She smirked.

"Ah, sure. Have a seat." I gestured in front of us. My brow lifted when the new guy reached across the table and offered a hand to shake. I took it reluctantly and had a good look at him then. He was a big guy, well built and tanned from being out in the sun. I grinned thinking to myself that it would change being around here for any length of time unless he went tanning.

"Hey, I'm Trey. Who are you, beautiful?" He breathed. I sighed internally, but tried to play nice on the playground.

He had blond hair, streaked lighter from the sun. His eyes were blue, but much paler than my boys' were and not nearly as sexy if you asked me. I could tell the girls found him attractive from all the hungry looks being cast his way. I realised he was holding onto my hand a little longer than necessary and pulled a bit to get him to let go.

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