When You Wish Upon a Star

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A/N Tired of the too perfect happily ever after with a nuclear family? Tired of people killing off or marrying off one twin/one part of the threesome? Tired of the typical endings to these poly relationships that don't try to actually make the couple happy?

Look no further... 

It had been six years since the party that changed my sister's life. So much had happened in that span of time that it sometimes made my head whirl. Dan graduated from high school and it was not really a big surprise when he immediately moved in with his master, Victor. Mom and Dad Baumann were happy that he was still going to university, even with the added distraction.

Sam surprised everyone by agreeing to move in with Anish. It was not a surprise so much because they thought the two didn't love each other. They did. It was because his boyfriend basically ordered him to and he listened right away. It seemed as though he was content to be the housewife in the relationship and with an enormous house to look after... Anish's sister was happy to have an extra set of hands to order around.

My sister shocked me by moving into the Baumann house and taking over one of their bedrooms. It was awkward for a month or so, running into her in the halls and kitchen like she was a permanent fixture. She seemed happy though, actually all three of them seemed really content with the arrangement, so who was I to rain on their parade.

My boys both got decent jobs out of University. When I graduated, the company that did my internship was quick to offer me a full time job. I lived between my parents' house and the twins' house for awhile even after school, you know, to get settled and save up. Then I moved out with my boys. We needed our own space where we could relax together without 'interruption', if you know what I mean.

That brings us to today. The barbeque day. Mary would not let all her babies disperse without reeling them back in every couple of weeks to check on them. Everyone was expected to show up unless you were dying. Since that hadn't happened yet, the whole gang was here with their significant other. Mary had the expansion leaf in the patio table to fit us all.

Most of the family were out on the back patio by the pool. The invitation had said we had to wear our crazy Christmas shirts that Mom had gotten us last year. It made us chuckle when we showed up. Mom's was the typical 'I am the Boss' and Dad's said 'I am the Boss, when she isn't around.' They were all hokey like that and I loved them.

It was hard to take anyone seriously with them on. Victor was sporting one that said 'I hate t-shirts with stupid sayings' and Dan was laying on one of the loungers with one that said 'I used to think bacon was bad for me, so I gave up thinking.' He was wearing a pair of ears and staring longingly at the barbeque piled with meat, so it was doubly hilarious to me.

"Are you kidding me? Why are their t-shirts better than mine?" Sam groused as he sat up in the lounger next to Dan. I had to admit that the boys' had gotten great ones from Mom and Sam's... well it was perfect for him. It spelled wife and then said 'Washing, Ironing, Fucking, Etc.' Anish was grinning at his sour expression though.

I mean Mom must still be a little mad at him, because Anish's shirt said 'Warning, choking hazard' with an arrow pointing... well you get the picture. I gave everyone hugs and got more than a few chuckles at my t-shirt. Might have gotten a few ass grabs too, but hey, that was the Baumann family for you.

 Might have gotten a few ass grabs too, but hey, that was the Baumann family for you

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