Chapter Two: Wait,What?

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-Hey you are in my seat.

I looked behind to see the one and only Scott Meyers looking at me.

-Hey nerd I said you are in my seat.

-Excuse me what are you talking about?-I asked him raising one eyebrow.

-You heard me that's my seat so move!

-Are you crazy?? I've been sitting in this seat since the year started so you move.

I know I was being crazy for tallking to Scott like that but he never talked to me before and now it's this I don't think so.

You see, Scott Meyers is not your typical football star, the quarterback, or even the school's biggest womanizer, and don't you even think about the shy guy who is too afraid of talking to someone because that is not true.

 If you want to think about stereotypes than Scott is the mysterious guy who you don't know  almost anything about him, you just know that he doesn't talk a lot or that he actually isn't involved in anything, really anything, no fights, no partys, no "having fun" with girls, he is just a guy who spends a lot of time with his friends, James and Nick, actually I think I never seen him talking to anyone else among the students than his friends.

But of course this wouldn't be high school if we don't have gossips, right? Well rumour has it that Scott is involved in some kind of mob along his friends or since that he comes from a very rich family he thinks that he is better than anyone else that's why he doesn't date the girls in this school.

 I don't know why he doesn't date I mean cmon I have eyes, this guy looks like a greek god, his eyes are so blue that it looks like the ocean.

-Nerd, I'm talking to you.

-And you were saying that...

-That you should move on right now.

-Listen buddie I already told you I'm not moving so stop and go to your seat.

-Do you know you I am?

-Yes Scott I know who you are now leave me alone.

-Now that you are 17 you are responding a lot to people.

-How do you know that it's my birthday?

-I know a lot of things. Look Grace for today you can seat there but next time I won't be so nice.

He said and left, I couldn't believe this guy, who the hell he think he is? I mean how could talk to me like that if we never talked before but how did he know that today was my birthday.


After school I went home.

-Mom, dad I'm home!

-Oh honey cmon your father and I need to talk to you.

-Okay mom.

-Hey honey you can seat here in the couch.

-Dad what is going on you guys are acting all weird.

-Grace your mother and I wanted to talk to you about...

My mother's phone start ringing and she went to pick it up. My dad and I waited for her so we could talk.

-Humm Grace your father and I have to go the hospital it's un emergency.

-But it's my birthday, you guys promised me we would at least have dinner together like a normal family.

My parents are both doctors and they spend most of their time working than at home with me, I'm already used to it but it is my birthday and they promised this year we would be together since they never are with me in my birthday.

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