Who tops?

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Taehyung's POV

So the meeting continued with Jungkook throwing random smiles at me making my heart flutter! He also smirked at me quite a lot but I did too and he clearly blushed once, his cheeks turning red.

"So, what's the plot?" the mint haired boy asked, his name was Yoongi, I think.

"Well, we were thinking... maybe like a college setting with one of the guys as playboys and the other as a innocent new guy" Jimin said and I looked at him with a 'what' look. We never discussed that!

"Thats too cliché, what about one of them as a playboy and the other as the new hot teacher?" Jin suggested making everyone in the room agree.

"Who tops?" Hoseok asked suddenly and I elbowed him in the chest as he groaned in pain and glared at me.

"That is a good question..." Yoongi trailed off looking at me.

"I mean, both of you are clearly daddy material," Namjoon started eyeing Jungkook questioningly, "but I feel like Taehyung should top" and I smirked, not missing how Jungkook gulped.

I turned to Yoongi who also nodded in agreement and so did Jin.

"Jungkook, did you want to top?" I asked, making Jungkook's cheek turn a little red.

"I really don't mind..." he said and muttered something under his breath that I couldn't make out.

"So, does the playboy top... or the teacher" Hoseok asked. I thought this through. If the teacher tops, then it will be cliché but the playboy topping sounds good.

"I think the playboy should top" Jungkook said, voicing out my thoughts.

"Yeah me too" I said, backing him up and everyone else agreed.

"So are you the ruthless playboy?" Jungkook asked, smirking at me.

"And are you the hot teacher?" I asked and smirked back at him, loving the shade of red that took over his face.


"We should probably meet tonight for dinner so that we could continue to elaborate on our story options and plot" Jimin said and I nodded grinning at Jungkook as he showed his cute bunny teeth. Who would have guessed the sexy hot Jungkook slash daddy has cute bunny teeth that make me want to squish him.

"Okay then, we can meet tonight, I'll text you the address? You number is?" Namjoon asked talking directly to Jin whom I swear, blushed. As they exchanged numbers, I also saw that Jimin had made friends with Jungkook's manager Yoongi, and there was some weird tension between them, one I knew too well.

I went over to Jungkook to try and get his number to as everyone seemed to be exchanging numbers.

"Jungkook, what's your number?" I asked trying to sound casual. Trying.

"It's um *********** " he said and I took it down, immediately storing him in my contacts.

"So, do you want to ditch this meeting, I can show you something cool in my office?" he suddenly added and my eyebrows went up.

"Ditch the meeting?" I asked.

"I mean, we are gonna meet again anyways so why not?" he said.

Yeah sure, he's right we are gonna meet tonight anyways.

But then what if they start looking for me?

They'll just not worry, I'm a grown man.

But then Jimin and Hoseok are gonna start rumors and they'll tease me.

Like they don't tease you already.

Fuck it, Fine.

"Yeah sure" I said finally and his eyes lighted up as he started walking out of the room with me following close behind.

"Okay, you're gonna love this!"


TF? This chapter looked quite long in pages but only 600 words? 

Ah Fuck it. 

Anyways, an update! (I thought I didn't have time but then I did and I updated just for you! ew, cheesy) Sorry for confusing you all on my board.

I'll leave now. 




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