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👆 Watch this video, it's so fucking good and Jungkook's part is lit af and just a warning, you will feel very attacked and will start questioning your life and the meaning of life and how the fuck these guys are so fucking handsome. They are handsome to the max. No kidding. 

Taehyung's POV

I ended the call with Minho and then sighed to myself before posting a selfie in Instagram and I smiled to myself when seeing how my picture immediately got a bunch of hearts and comments, thus blowing up my notifications once again.

I got up from my seat and made my way to the personal balcony we got with the hotel reservation. I looked into the night and looked at the skyscrapers whose lights were still shining. I looked at my watch and realized it was almost 10. Just when I was about to go I heard footsteps.

"Taehyung!" I heard Jungkook yell and I looked back.

Sure enough, Jungkook reeked like sex.

I hid everything by smiling at him lightly.

"What were you doing?" I asked him and he smirked.

"Just taking care of the problem you caused..." he said and walked closer to me. I scoffed.

"By using one of the waiters?" I asked and he started laughing.

"What, do you think of me that lowly? I was hoping you'd come and help but then you didn't so I just had to do something on my own." he said, his eyebrows raised up. I felt myself smile.

"But I did come in, and I heard some girl's voice"

"That was porn..."


"What did you think?"

"That you were fucking some slut"

"Well I wasn't and I'm not that desperate"

"Right" I said awkwardly and he smiled.

"Where are the others?" he asked and I let out a sigh I didn't realize I was holding in, thanks to the change of subject.

"Oh, Jimin is in Yoongi's house, probably fucking and I don't know about the others"

"I expected that, especially from Yoongi. I pity Jimin and his ass"

"Me too"

After that, there were a comfortable silence and I turned back to the balcony, admiring the night view, which was just the buildings that shone like stars because of the lights.

Jungkook soon joined me and I felt him brush over my shoulder, making me look at him just to see that he was already staring. Intensely. I gulped unknowingly and I felt him lean forward and I did too. Just when we were a centimeter close,

"It's getting late, the restaurant is going to close- Oh shit, I'm so sorry" a waiter who interrupted our moment said, before quickly excusing herself making me chuckle.

"Let's go to my house?" I asked and he nodded and we both made our way down and in the elevator I felt Jungkook's hand make his way to my waist and his hand was firmly placed inside my back jean pocket. Smirking, I took my own hand and wrapped it around his waist, placing my hand in his jean pocket as well.

We went like that back to the entrance of the restaurant which was now free of all the reporters and I heard him sigh.

"They also asked you?" I asked him and he sighed again.

"For a good 5 minutes, they wouldn't let me pass and the manager wouldn't come out to help me, I was answering all their oddly specific questions with vague answers. One even had the balls to ask me, who tops in 'our' relationship" he said and I smirked.

"Who would though?"

"Definitely me," he said and I snorted.

"Top me? Impossible." I said as I sadly had to let go of his waist and go to the drivers seat of my car. I unlocked my car with a swift 'beep' and Jungkook made himself comfortable in my car and buckled his seatbelt as I did the same.

"I would easily top you," Jungkook said and I raised my eyebrows.

"How exactly?" I asked, amused by his sudden boost of confidence.

"Like this," he said and put his hand forward to grab my neck before smashing our lips together. I immediately felt Jungkook asking for permission and I turned him down. He groaned into the kiss and his lip harshly bit down mine and as I gasped, he made his way into my mouth. Smooth. (A.N/ Be smooth like a snake, sry I had to)

I felt his tongue touching mine and soon our tongues danced together, twirling and tangling as I let the heat of our kiss spread throughout our body. Jungkook tilts his head to the side as he continued to skillfully invade my mouth and we started battling for dominance. He, unfortunately, won as he bit my tongue lightly, taking me by surprise. I then felt him sucking my tongue gently making me let out a lewd moan that was soon devoured by him.

He abruptly broke apart soon after making me almost whine desperately. Almost.

"That's how," he said and smirked as I felt my cheeks going red and suddenly I felt as if the temperature became higher.

Ignoring the question I started the car and turned on the radio before he would ask me more questions. Well until I took my car out of the carpark that is. He starts to feed his already boosting ego by telling how easily he dominated me and I shut him up with a quick peck. Definitely worked. 


I know I was supposed to update like 3958273 years ago, I'm so sorry please forgive me. My first trimester is coming to an end and it's kinda stressful but it's getting better now so the updates will be more consistent now. Hopefully. 

Thank you guys so much for commenting and voting, it makes me feel so happy.

Love you all!



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