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Jungkook's POV

"This way please," the hotel manager said as he guided us to a private room where Taehyung and his mangers were sitting. I turned the handle door, opening it to see Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon sitting.

I flashed a smile towards Taehyung to which he returned a smirk and I visibly gulped. I also took note of his plain yet sexy outfit. The black turtleneck makes him look straight up sinful. Taehyung urged me to come and sit next to him, patting down at the seat and I hesitantly made my way over, scared for what he might have planned.

There was a really awkward vibe in the air because we were at a group dinner and everyone just stared at each other without saying anything. Yep, definitely very awkward.

I noticed Yoongi who was in front of me winking at Jimin lightly and color raised to Jimin's cheeks immediately, making Yoongi chuckle a little bit. Namjoon was also staring at Jin passionately and Jin blushed. What the fuck is going on? Everyone having crushes already? I mean everyone except JHope, it's kinda sad to be honest.

"About the movie... when exactly are we going to start filming?" Jin asked directed to Namjoon to break the aura and it did just that.

"Well as we discussed, the director will be coming with the script and we will meet up with his team later down the week and so I'll say we will start filming by the end of next week," Namjoon answered.

"Also the plot, can you elaborate on that please?" Jimin asked and this time Yoongi spoke up.

"It's basically this new young teacher, Jungkook and he is really hot and like a lot of girls are swooning over him and then the playboy, Taehyung, takes an interest in the new teacher and he basically tops him. There's going to be some drama like jealousy to add to the plot. We will know the details after the script comes in."

"What about the M rated scenes?" Jin blurted out and I glared at him and he gave me a 'what? It was a question' look.

"It's just a bedroom scene with some heavy making out and you will both reveal your upper halves, if that is okay with you of course. The audience are mostly teens so it should be 16+ not higher than that though." Namjoon said looking at me and Taehyung.

I nodded understandingly before I heard Taehyung talk.

"Even if it is 18+, 13 year olds are still are going to watch it, I mean have you read the fanfictions about some of the celebrity ships? They are insane and very descriptive." Taehyung said.

"Have you read them?" Jimin suddenly asked and Taehyung nodded.

"Oh my fucking god! Don't tell me you read the Chanbaek fanfictions" he trailed off and everyone in the room started cooing, including me because that celeb ship was just too cute and too real to ignore.

"I needed holy water to wash my eyes after that super descriptive super kinky smutt in the book" Taehyung added and I just looked at them, utterly confused.

"What's smutt?" I asked and Jimin gave me the 'have you been living under a rock' look.

"It's basically a sex scene in books. Written pornography" Taehyung said casually and I choked on my spit.

"You read that?" I asked disbelief evident in my voice.

"Trust me, once you start, you won't be able to stop" he said and my mind gagged and threw up inside my brain. Twice.

"There are also fanfictions that ship the both of you..." Jimin said and I choked again.

"No way!" Taehyung said "Did you read it?" he asked, clearly excited.

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