Fanboy Indeed

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Jungkook's POV

I heard footsteps making their way down to the living room and smiled to myself. I didn't think things would go this smoothly to be honest but I'm not complaining!

"Jungkook!" he called and I smiled again, loving the way how my name rolls of his tongue with so much ease.


"You have a huge house!" he said and came down, his cheeks slightly flushed but that smirk on his face never seemed to die out.

"Not any bigger than yours..." I said and he nodded flashing me a cute grin before heading to the dinning table.

"I have some cheese pasta and some grilled chicken to go with it..." I said not knowing if he might like the plain cuisine.

"Oh my God! Did you say cheese pasta? My trainer is going to faint. But I'll take it!" He exclaimed suddenly excited.

I served him a generous amount of the pasta and added some more chicken to the side and I watched him dig in and eat to his hearts content.

"You really must be hungry" I said and chuckled and I saw him nodding, his eyes still focused on the food.

"This is so fucking good! Where did you learn?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, one of my managers, Jin is an awesome cook and he taught me a few things..."

"That's awesome!"

We then continued to eat, mostly in a comfortable silence asking a few questions now and then. After a few minutes we both finished our food and make our way to the living room.

"Are you one of my fanboys"

And then I started to cough violently, and I headed to the kitchen again and gulped down some water. After my coughing died out I knew I had heard something wrong. Your brain does those things when the time is right.

"So, are you one of my fanboys?" he asked and thankfully he couldn't see my shocked expression as my back was facing him. But I quickly regained my posture and shrugged, still not facing him.

"I mean, your movies and awesome and you also look nice so I guess I am, just a tiny bit" I said and I couldn't see the smirk that took over his pretty face.

"Just a tiny bit, what will explain the huge room dedicated to me?" He asked again making me widen my eyes comically and I turned around only to realise that he was only a few meters away from me.

I instinctively took a step backward as he took one forward, as I thought of the ways he could know. Of course, he was exploring the house. What a fucking asshole I am. I should have kept in in my line of sight.

I tried to avoid eye contact but then I realized there was no other way around this and so decided to face the facts.

"Yes, I was a little, well, maybe very obsessed with you since you got into the field and I have always admired you not only for your looks but also your great acting talent. I'm not saying that your looks are just okay, you look like a greek god sculpture and that body, every time I see your movies I'm so frustrated. Sexually. Yes, the room you saw is dedicated to you completely and that's where I go when I want some inspiration. So for your question, yes I am probably your biggest fanboy and I will always be" I finished looking him straight in the eye.

Taehyung's eyes widened and he stood there gaping in the shock and digesting everything that I just confessed. After about 20 seconds of eye contact, he stepped closer to me and I had no space to hide as my head made contact with the cabinet.

"So, I'm guessing, you've probably dreamed of this..." he said and before I could inquire I could feel his lips on mine as light as feather touching mine in the gentlest way possible. And his lips started moving against mine and I immediately responded too caught up in the moment to think.

We continued to share an innocent kiss, much different than my other ones but, this was more fulfilling and satisfactory. After we broke apart, he looked at me with a genuine smile and I smiled back.

"You have no idea how many times I have dreamt of this" I said and met his eyes that practically twinkled.

"You wanna re-live the memory?" 



Your welcome ;)

I don't have anything to say so... I'll leave




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