I'm so glad practically no one is on the bus.  The seat next to me is empty as well as the seats in front and next to me.  It's so much better than it was on my way over here.  The bus was crowded and it was really awkward sitting so close to a coughing stranger for seven hours.

It was clear to me that my book would wait and I would catch on the sleep I was deprived of this morning.  Making myself at ease and taking both of the seats to lay myself, I start to think back on what happened last night.  The more I seem to focus, the more my headache seems to resurface.  I give up and drift slowly to sleep.

My cellphone rings, waking me up just as fast.  Fortunately for me, the headache is gone, but if that ringtone rings one more time, it might come back.  I see Steeve's lovely face all over my screen.

"Hey babe."  I coo as I answer and straighten myself to see if the bus filled up a bit more than it was on the way, which it did, but not enough to require me to sit still on my seat.  I lay back on the bench.

"Hey!  I am just letting you know that I'm at the station."

"What?  Already?"

"Yeah.  Were you sleeping?  You told me your ticket says you are supposed to be back at 5:25 and it's 5:13."

"Yes, I was and it seems like I did for the whole trip."  I seem to slowly wake up and I take the time to take in my surroundings both inside and outside the bus.

"I talked to my boss and he gave me the day off tomorrow, so I get to be with you.  I even thought I could drive you to your afternoon class and take things easy before your night shift."

"Oh Stee, that would be awesome."  I immediately get overjoyed to his very caring and unusual behaviour.

"I thought you would want a change of mind after what happened yesterday..."

"I met him this morning too actually...  I'll have to give you further details, but we quite sorted this out.  We will work together on my story."

"So you are getting published?"  I hear his genuine happiness and it overhelms my heart to have him so caring so suddenly.  He never behaves like this.

"I am getting published."

"That's incredible, baby!"

"Yes, it really is.  Look, I'm getting into the station now.  Give me two minutes and I'll join you in the parking."  I say to him, gathering all of my belongings as the driver parks the bus.

He tells me where to find him as I walk out before I hang up with him.  It feels so good to be back.  The air is different.  It seems silly, but it's somehow colder here than it was in London and I prefer it that way.  Manchester is my home.

Steeve is waiting for me in the car and something strikes inside of me.  It's weird and it never happened before.  Maybe it's because of all the new stuff I've experienced this weekend, but I feel different.  I'm not that excited to see him.  It hurts me to feel that way, because I'm so used to being with him, I wouldn't see my life any other way.  We've been through rough times, I have suffered a lot, but he is all I know...

I am so confused with my sudden indifference towards him.  Maybe indifference is not the right word.  But I am not nearly as excited or reassured by his presence than I used to be.  It scares me if I'm being honest.

I'm walking towards his car at a steady pace, trying to wrap my head around the fact that my life might have changed drastically, but it doesn't change anything.  I have responsibilities here as my life is here.  But I can't keep on wondering what it would be like to be in London, living there.  I have only a few weeks left of school before graduation, after that I'm free to pursue my dream or to follow the plan I always made for myself.  A plan Steeve has agreed on from very early on is our relationship.  I think that's why it has worked for so long between us even if we are polar opposites.

FALLEN (NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now