We have worked on my story all day to polish every little detail that came to mind so that we can hand it to Edith tonight. After we left his office at Wright Books, we headed to his flat to get ready for dinner at his mum's. I'm feeling so horribly nervous. I feel myself sweating like a pig and I'm not even wrapped in cellophane yet. I'm laying on Mace's bed as he reads his emails on his laptop by my side.

"My Professor wrote to me." He murmurs, talking to himself as a surprise, but I'm happy to be aware.

"Is it about your thesis?" I ask softly, but with a very eager curiosity.

"I think it is. He wants to meet Wednesday at his office." He shortly responds, leaving me wanting more answers yet again.

"Does he say anything else? Do you think it's good or bad that he wants to meet you?" I let out maybe too quickly, because he turns his face to look at me with a laugh leaving his lips.

"Damn you're curious! Jesus!"

"You knew that when you decided to be with me."

"Indeed. Don't remind me." He lets out as he rolls his eyes.

Not knowing him, I would have taken this comment badly, but I know he meant it as a joke. I am just incredibly happy that I got to know him that much to understand the difference in the slightest changes of his tone. I was at his throat at any comment he made when I first met him. Now, it isn't the case. I understand his humour. I know his personality. I know him.

Thinking that I finally know him, I realise that I simply only know his personality. I know him, but not what made him. I don't know much of his past. I only learned the name of his father yesterday, by my flatmate. Rumours around the office have told me more about his family than he ever did.

"Before I jump into the lion's den, what can you tell me about your mum?" I ask him and look up. I wait to have his eyes set on me before I continue and get a bit theatrical. "Must I bow when I see her? Would you recommend avoiding direct eye contact? Must I address her as Madame? What kind of flowers should I get her? Or maybe I should bake her dessert? Everybody loves dessert..."

I meant for my little act to be a joke, but the serious grin Marcel has worries me. He really is considering it all!? I start being a little nervous and swallow hard just before he looks back down at me and closes his laptop on his lap.

"Definitely do not bow, but it might be better if you avoid too long eye contact. As for how you address her, she will tell you herself when you meet. She loves orchids. I would recommend that. She can't cook. At least, that's what I can remember. Dad always used to be the chef in the house. So if you can make her something, I think it would do a big impression on her."

"Are you joking?"

"Yes, but only because you did. I was honest about baking something. We should get on it right now. She would be very happy." He looks down at me grins widely.

"What does she like?"

"Anything with chocolate."

"Then, we'll get along just great."


An orchid and my trademark chocolate pie lay on the counter in the kitchen. Marcel leaves the room to join me at the dining room table with his mother on his heels. I feel quite uncomfortable mostly because of all the lies I have to tell. Had been given the choice, I would have refused this invitation. I don't want for Edith's approval of me as her son's lover to be based on lies. But I must admit, I have never seen Marcel that way. I could see how hard it was for him it was to come back here. I don't know what happened between these walls, but it took a moment before he seemed to melt into an usual fun and outgoing man. It's like I see him reverse and becoming the naive child he talked to me so much about.

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