After spending the rest of my morning talking exhaustively with Shelley Prinston from Montréal, I decide to head out for lunch. I need to clear my head. Our conversation got very heavy with memories from the past. Even though I wasn't ashamed to talk about it first with her, realising how dumb I was to have been fooled like that makes me feel very ashamed. I really need to clear my head and get back into a more positive mindset.

I walk straight to Starbucks, because it is the best and the closest option. The walk isn't that long, but the fresh air really soothes my nerves, and the sunlight softly peeking through the clouds energises me.

I'm starting to feel better when my phone rings. I stop by the building to have some privacy from the people walking on the street next to me and answer without looking at the caller ID.


"Grace, it's Ash. I'm at your hotel, can we talk?"

"What is there more to say, Ash?"

"I don't want to leave things the way we did last night, and I'd rather do that in person than on the phone." His tone is gentle and kind, I can hear how genuine he is.  And to be honest, I would rather end things better with him too.

I sigh and look around me, people are getting in and out of Starbucks minding their own business.

"I'm at Starbucks, I'll be there in twenty. I won't have much time before going back to work."

"I understand that. I'll see you in a bit."

I hang up and rush into the café. I order my usual iced caramel macchiato with a ham and brie cheese croissant to go and leave to see Ash. I'm about midway to the hotel when I realise how slowly I walk. I don't know why I'm dreading seeing him again. What will he say? What does he expect of me? I don't even know what to talk about? Somehow it stresses to see him again, and I would rather take my time getting back so that he doesn't stay long. I was looking forward to my time alone to recover emotionally from this morning's interview, and like every time in my life, it seems like I can't.

I find Ashley seated almost at the same place we were twenty-four hours ago, on the floor, next to the door room. Seeing him brings a genuine smile on my lips. I am happy he cares that much, because I really care about him. He has been a dear friend, and he still could be if he wants to be.

"Hey." He smiles the second he notices me by his side. He slides his phone in his pocket, and opens his arms for a hug.

I wasn't expecting that, but I really let go of the stress and tension I've been carrying around and it calms my nerves the same way that walk outside did.

"How are you today?" I ask him once I'm out of his arms and I unlock my door.

"Good, but I wasn't feeling right about how I talked to you last night."

"You had every right to be upset." I respond as I take off my heels and walk my way to the bed to sit.

"And I was, but I shouldn't have talked to you on that tone. And I'm sorry."

He comes by my side and sits on the corner of the bed, looking down, not knowing where to look. I slide back against the head of the bed and smile to him, inviting him to sit more comfortably next to me.

"Why are you still here though? Aren't you supposed to prep for the big European tour?"

Once I asked my question, I take my croissant sandwich out of the bag and take a big bite. The satisfaction spreads widely inside of me. I needed to eat. I am famished.

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