Once lunchtime finally arrives, I quickly make my way upstairs to my room. It feels like even my heart sighs in disappointment to see that my brother has gone out to be tourist for the day. I call him to know where he is and to let out a little bit of what's on my heart. I feel so sad for some reason. Maybe it's justified because of all the drama happening right now and feeling so alone, or maybe it's a bit hormonal. It reminds me to check when my appointment at the clinic is for my contraceptive shot. It should be soon. I need to go get the medicine.

I hang up with my brother after two minutes and let myself collapse on the bed. I think about taking a nap, but something tells me to head back downstairs to the bistro lounge to eat a little something. I hate the idea of having to eat alone, but I suck it up. I'm really hungry.

I leave my room and lock the door. I walk to the lift to see Edith waiting for it also. I feel suddenly intimidated. I try to join her silently, but my presence is known. She eyes me subtly and looks back towards the closed stainless steel doors without a word.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity in this silence, the lift dings and the doors open to reveal an empty car. I get in and since the floor buttons are on my side I address her.

"Where to?"

"First floor." She only responds and neatly tugs the hem of her shirt to flatten it.

I don't want to force a relationship with her if she doesn't like me. I don't want to add more drama into my life, so if I can spare a little, I will just let my hopes for a better relationship with her go. It saddens me, but at this point, I don't really care. I'm in this kind of mood.

We don't get to the first floor quickly enough, but when we do, I storm out of there. I don't want to eat at the posh restaurant. I walk straight past it and get out of the hotel. The air is pretty windy and humid. Clouds are heavy. I wouldn't be surprised if it were to rain.

I walk ahead and follow the tourists as well as the locals. I see a park on my right, but under the trees it seems even darker. If there's a thunderstorm, I don't want to find myself under the trees.

I decide to continue ahead, passing by a Starbucks Coffee. It's once I'm way passed it that I lose hope to find somewhere else to eat. Every restaurant I seem to come across are out of my budget. Maybe they are not, but I'm so used to not want to spend more than ten pounds on a meal that the habit stuck.

I get tempted to go to the Windsor Buffet on Elm's Row, but it seems packed. I look quickly around to find somewhere else to eat, but I'm already fifteen minutes away from the hotel. Maybe I should get back... I still have time to go to Starbucks.

I'm about to turn around, but a blue shop gets my attention. It's a few shops away. I immediately make my way to it. It's far from a restaurant. Once I'm close enough, I see Private Shop written in yellow on the window.

As much as I am stunned and a bit disappointed, I decide to take a look inside very spontaneously. I open the door and hear a bell warning my visit. I am immediately greeted by a man. The idea to be served by a man makes me immediately uneasy, but he greets me so warmly that I don't mind it so much.  But as much as I expected to walk inside an erotic boutique, I didn't expect such choice in this very little shop.

"Well hello lass, how are ya today?" He smiles widely at me walking from the cashier to get to me.

"I'm doing good, thank you. How are you?"

"Great. What brings ya here today? Ar'ya looking for something in particular?"

"I was actually walking by and thought I'd stop. I've never been here." I admit with a bit of shyness tinting my voice as I look around the small boutique.

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