Chapter Seven

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Day two:



"I can't sleep like this." I said, frustrated. I got up and walked towards the water, not wanting to sit in the sand as a substitute for a bed. "Oh come on! It is not that bad." A sudden, deep voice appeared, frightening me.

"Yes it certainly is. When I wake up, sand will be all over me and how am I going to get it off? It's not like a shower is nearby. And I am not using that dirty salt water to clean myself--" I had got interrupted by Chresanto holding up his hand,

"Dang, you talk a lot. But why are you so worried? We can just find some material to build something. Easy as pie." He smiled. How can he be smiling? How can we possibly build something? And with what?

"How do you plan to do that? It's dark out. We can't see anything." I complained.

He sighed and went to my bag that was left over near the trees. He got out my two spare green flashlights and walked back over to me. "I have a plan. Go find as many long sticks as you can. I will go get some leaves, then meet back here, okay?" He asked.

I thought about it for a minute. Him building something for us to endure us being out here could be good. I can just sit and watch the water while he's at work, yes.

"Okay, I'll go. There better not be any snakes, though." I mumbled seriously.

''There might be."

"Really! I change my mind--,"

"I was only kidding, Karen. Now lets get going." He said before leading the way. I followed him closely, and turned on the flashlight, making everything seem seeable. Me and Chresanto parted ways and I was alone.

I did as he said and picked up some sticks or branches I found along the way. I felt something crawl up my leg, and I immediately screamed. I walked quickly, trying to find more twigs. I found two more, and out of nowhere did bugs swarm around the place. I screamed again and ran away from there.

"Oh hell no! Forget the sticks, I'm out!" I said. I abandoned the area and followed the way I came to get to the front of the island and out of this jungle. As soon as I reached Chresanto, I dropped the sticks in front of him and sat in the sand.

"Look, I am not going back there again." I warned.

"Well too bad, if you want to survive, we are gonna have to go back, Karen." He said sternly. I looked at him blankly. "You sure did get more than enough of these. At least you tried." He commented before picking up the items I'd collected.

"What're you going to do now?" I asked. He nodded his head to his right, and I looked to see a tent built far from the water. "You did that?" "Well yes, who else is here besides us." He mentioned.

I shook my head. He went and added more sticks to hold the white blanket that hovered over it. He must've used the large sail from the little boat. I swirled my hand around the cool sound, listening to the sound of the ocean. "So you're not going to help me?" He asked.

"Am I supposed to?"

"Yes, I could use the help. All you have to do is hold the structure for me, Karen. And I see you still have that attitude." He said, knowingly. I rolled my eyes and got up from my spot on the ground. I walked towards him and held the area he wanted me to do. Once he finished the little tent, he went for the incredibly large leaves and picked a bunch of them.

"Hey, do me a favor and spread these leaves on top of the little roof. I hope this isn't too much work for you." He said sarcastically.

I sucked my teeth and snatched the leaves from him. I spread them along the roof of the tent in an organized pattern. There was a sticky substance on it but I didn't want to know what it was, I'm guessing it was to hold the leaves in place.

Once I was done, I wiped my hands. My stomach began to grumble, I was hungry. I clutched my stomach to stop it's movements but it wouldn't settle. Chresanto was done with our 'tent' and looked around.

"I see you're hungry, huh?" He smiled, jokingly.

"Shut up. What are we going to do. How are we gonna get food." I stated, not really a question.

"Well I don't know, find a squirrel?" He asked. "Ew, no. Are you crazy? There has to be fish out in the water. Why don't you go fishing and i'll just set a fire?" I suggested.

I knew how to cook fish without the use of pots or ovens. My dad taught me back when I was little, so this shouldn't be a problem. "You finally came with an idea. I'm surprised." Chresanto insulted. I slapped his arm hard for him to move out my way. " Ow, sheesh, I was playing." He said.

"Mhm, just get the fish, boy." He was starting to irk me than before.

I went and got my bag from the ground and looked inside of it. I had my phone, which had no signal, a large blanket, four pillows from home because the car ride was really long (try four hours), and deodorant, which I carry all the time for emergencies, and toothpaste. These were all not planned,

I usually carry these daily. Well, except the toothpaste and pillows. Those I just had forgotten to put in the room on the ship to unpack. It's really funny how it comes to great use right now.

I found two thick branches and rubbed them together. As hard as I can, I rubbed and rubbed for countless minutes. The branch began to get heated, and I saw a spark. Soon enough, a fire had engulfed itself in flames.

I grabbed a few more sticks to either surround it to prevent it from spreading, or just to make it bigger. I made a little square to where you can hand something on top of the fire. I almost burnt my hands making this so it better hold good.

I looked over at Chresanto, who had about two or three fish in his hands. I knew which ones were edible, and not edible, so we would be okay for the night. Today went bye fast, but I'm still concerned for our external needs. Where am I going to shower? I seriously can't stay dirty for more than three days.

We've better come up with something, because I am certainly not using saltwater for any of my needs the involve the use of it.





Hi guys, I'm asking if you wouldn't mind leaving a few comments? It helps keep me motivated. Thanks :) <33

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