chapter 1:hi

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Me: "My name is sedrick shadden,I'm15 years old my birthday is November 20th 2001. my
Life is pretty simple I mean it was simple until a certain point in my life,but that's okay. what you don't know what I'm talking about I guess that makes sense too I mean a guy just sits there and talks to himself expecting people to hear him like he's on a book on some website can get pretty confusing"

Ruby: "Sedrick what's taking you so long come on!"

Me:" coming Ruby I guess I'll have to wait until later to talk to you guys but I should probably tell you how it began see you later"

In the beginning....

Me: I woke up I've been watching Rwby late at night and man was that an awesome show I look at my poster" I wish I could go to your world" I wait to see if some magical fairy or something picks me up and takes me to remnant" yeah right like that's ever going to happen" I look wistfully at the poster" I should probably get up" I get out of bed and go to the kitchen table my dad is asleep and my mom took my brothers to go do something and they wouldn't be back for a while" so it's just me... okay" I go outside and get on my bike and I swear I hear a voice.

???: "you wish to be a hero. a knight. a guardian."

Me: I look around trying to find who is speaking I didn't see anyone" weird" I start pedaling my bike down the street and I hear the voice again.

???:" okay" suddenly I See a flash of light and then it's gone I feel different but I'm not sure how I ride my bike all the way down to McDonald's and get a signature crafted Burger with sweet BBQ bacon and a quarter pound of beef on a artisan roll( seriously good I recommend it) once I get my food I start thinking about the voice" what the heck was that?" Of course it didn't answer me my eyes wander around and then I see something that froze my blood in fear and shock because it wasn't possible
" no that can't be real" I must have been watching way too much Rwby because in front of me outside in the parking lot was a  beowolf. " yep it's real" i stare at it.

???: "well you better do something about it" I look to the side to see a girl she must have been an angel cause that's just how beautiful she was.

???: "how did you know?" She said with a playful smile.

Me:" wait I said that out loud" my face turned red but no one would have been able to tell with my dark brown skin and all but somehow she seemed to sense my emotions.

???:" yes and you don't have to be embarrassed sedrick" easy for her to say....wait a minute.

Me: "how do you know my name?" Pretty sure I've never seen this girl before.

???:" I've been watching over you I'm your guardian I know you've been chosen to be a guardian or a knight if you prefer" I have no idea what she's  talking about and I would have called her crazy except for the freaking beowolf in front of me.

Me:" okay earlier you said something about fighting that thing oh and what's your name" I figured if I was going to die I might as well  get the name of the pretty girl in front of me.

???:" yes you're going to fight it and also my name is-"

Me:"shiro" I don't know what scared me more the fact that I already knew this girl's name or that I was going to fight that creature of Grimm.

Shiro: "yes that's my name" weirdly enough I only just now noticed what she looked like she had fair skin and long white hair I kid you not it wasn't blonde it was Snow White and she also had ice blue eyes.

Shiro:" as for how you're going to fight here" she put her hand on my back and I felt energy Rising Within Me looked at my arms and my body they were glowing gently with ice blue flames.

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