chapter 10: frostfire

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Me: after a brutal lesson we are both sitting on the ground facing each other" how's this supposed to work?"

You:" she said something about letting our Aura become one" you were looking at me with extremely confused expression

Shiro:" the two of you separate are a good team but both of you combined in one form will be extremely powerful you have to get this right!" Says the one who has seemingly infinite knowledge.

You:" what do you mean by the two of us becoming one?"

Shiro:" it means exactly what it sounds like for now you need to combine your elements"

Me:" shouldn't we do this outside or something?"

You:" it was bothering you too?"

Me:" yeah" with that shiro disappears and we leave our dorm and almost get run over by Blake who was in a hurry to leave and didn't look too happy" so that's happening now" we took an alternate route to avoid running into anyone else and found the shooting star where I parked it.

You:" this thing is awesome can I drive?" I thought about that for a second.

Me:" on the way back" we both get in and I take off heading for
Downtown vale ( is that what it's called?) We find a random back alley and start practicing.

After a couple of hours....

Me: we had finally started connecting our aura and formed a small flickering (a/c) flame between us that was surprisingly giving off a chill"wow that's so cool"

You:"I know" you stared at it without blinking you let go of your end of the connection and it disappeared.

Me: I was just about to say something whenever I heard the sound of gunshots" that wasn't supposed to happen yet!" I run in the direction of the sound and you quickly follow.

You:" what wasn't supposed to happen yet?" Oh yeah I forgot.

Me:" Blake and Sun fighting Roman and the White Fang members it wasn't supposed to happen so soon" suddenly the gunshots stopped then resumed but quieter there must have been less people.

We made it there in time to see penny use a laser to cut the airships in half except there were more of them with guns.

Me:" okay that's definitely not supposed to happen!" We both summon our swords and charge into battle.

The White Fang grunts start focusing their attacks on us and we rush them with a flurry of attacks one of them thought he could get close to you which was a big mistake and you burned him I quickly knocked him out there was another one who actually put up a fight he fired at me and I rolled to the side you took that as an opportunity to strike him in the arm he was holding the gun with when he went to grab the burn I quickly kicked his legs out from under him then you delivered an axe kick to his head knocking him out.

You:" that was great but there's more ships" I had forgotten about the airships that had brought the extra White Fang grunts and it was really bad that they were there and I don't think Penny could have used the laser again so soon.

Me:" we can use Frost fire" you looked at me in slight surprise.

You:" it was just a small flame"

Me: " but we can make it bigger come on" I focus my element and you focus yours and in front of us a small (a/c) flame appeared but it quickly grew bigger and the air around us got colder.

Me&You: "Let's go!!" We both launch the frostfire at the airships and they are engulfed in it soon they're completely covered in the cold flames which seems to dissolve them into nothing until  you can't even tell they were there.

You: " did we just do that?"

Me: " yes we did" then as one we collapsed.


Hey guys no mini skit at the end this time but I want to thank you for sticking with me and if this is your first time reading anything about this series then I recommend you go watch RWBY on YouTube I do not own either obviously so we are going on an adventure me and you everyone reading this book is going with me in this so buckle up cuz we're in for a wild ride stay cool and.....

"Let's go all out!!!!!!!!!"

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