chapter 12: Echo's end

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Me: after resting for a while Shiro came back to the dorm she looked really serious" what's wrong?"

Shiro:" your last Echo is here" I had no idea what she was talking about

Me:" who's Echo and where is (y/n)?"

Shiro:" Echo is the manifestation of your idle thoughts but he is also your negative form" that sounds like bad news we both run to the courtyard and on the way we start talking about what's going on.

Me:" I've never seen you this serious you also look like something's bothering you" she wouldn't look at me"shiro?"

Shiro:" after this fight you're going to have to leave remnant and go back to Earth"

Me:" what why?" I could hear the sounds of Swords clashing as we got closer to the fight.

Shiro:" you'll know when it happens" why did she have to always do that it doesn't make any sense.

You:" is that the best you got?" We finally reached the fight to see you and what looked like a copy of me but he was slightly distorted.

Echo:" maybe it is maybe it isn't but I could be a lot stronger if you would give me your power"
That didn't sound good at all Echo is fighting you with a blade that was a distorted copy of my own I wanted to join the fight but Shiro made me stop.

Shiro:" this isn't your fight yet" I tried to protest but she silenced me and I was helpless as I watched you fight.

You:" this Dimension is collapsing because of you!" You charge at echo and he does the same Landing more hits than you.

Echo:" all I did was alter things to make them more interesting and besides he's the mistake not me he is flawed" how was he my idle thoughts I wasn't getting it.

You: you throw a fireball at him and he blocks it with ice" you're just a cheap copy" you slash at him with your sword and he Ducks under the strike and shoves his palm into your chest I can hear a crunching sound and I stare in horror as spikes of ice come out of your back covered in blood.

Echo:" and you are weak" your moves his palm and your entire body is covered by Ice Shiro removes her Hold On Me and then she begins to fade.

Shiro:" now this is your fight I'm sorry but this is the way it had to be" for a second I don't move then I charge at Echo my entire body burning rage no I actually was burning as I summoned my sword and strike I feel a power inside growing.

Me:" you are going to die!" Echo Dodged my first strike and he tried to kick me my left hand felt hot as I punched him with it not bothering to dodge I kept advancing my sword strikes becoming faster and faster Echo made an ice wall and caused spikes to shoot out from it.

Echo:" you don't know that I could easily beat you" Dodge the spikes and run up and over the wall bringing my sword down on the other side to strike Echo's shoulder.

Me:" yes I do you killed (y/n) and now we're going to finish you!" My left hand ignites with ice blue flame as I summon your sword Echo creates an ice sword in his other hand and we both start exchanging strikes he moves around me trying to find an opening but I create a ring of fire to keep him back.

Echo:" I can help you just transfer the power fire to me and I will use it in ways you could never imagine" I deflect his attempt to stab me and kick him in the ribs and the side of his head while he's stunned I cross both swords and I'm covered in ice blue flame as I blast him with frostfire.

Me:" no thanks" the force of it pushes him against a wall and as he begins to be devoured by the cold Flame he starts to panic.

Echo:" without me there's no reason for you to be here you'll have to leave!"

Me:" I know"

Echo: "and you're going to give it up?!" He's almost completely gone now.

Me:" I shouldn't have come here in the first place so I'm righting my wrong" he lets out a scream of pain as he's destroyed completely I let my arms fall to my sides and I let my tears fall to the ground.

Shiro:" i'm sorry" shiro stays behind me as she talks" I've already talked to Headmaster ozpin and you should say goodbye to Ruby" I turned to face her.

Me:" why?"

Shiro:" so you can block her memory of you"

Time skip to meeting with ruby.

Me: Shiro told me jewel had been reunited with her main consciousness whatever that meant and everyone except Ruby had their memory of me blocked she was waiting in the hallway because I promised to get her some cookies before I left I had to do something so I started a recording
"My name is sedrick shadden I'm 16 years old my birthday is November 20th 2001. my
Life is pretty simple I mean it was simple until a certain point in my life but that's okay what you don't know what I'm talking about I guess that makes sense too I mean a guy who just sits there and talks to himself expecting people to hear him like he's on a book on some website can get pretty confusing"

Ruby: "Sedrick what's taking you so long come on!"

Me:" coming Ruby I guess I'll have to wait until later to talk to you guys but I should probably tell you how it began see you later"

End of recording....

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End of prologue

Hey guys thank you for reading the hidden night my first book on Wattpad this is just the beginning this story is my way to have an adventure every choice has consequences we all make mistakes and the consequences are sometimes too much we lose a friend or we lose our own trust in ourselves but each of us has that spark of Adventure life is an adventure and we have to fight through it the easy times and the hard ones we all have a hidden knight inside we just have to have to find it if you guys are with me we'll have an adventure we'll all have the good times and the bad together
So if you're ready......

"LET'S GO ALL OUT !!!!!"

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