chapter 4: Awakening

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Me: once I made it to the entrance ceremony I kind of zoned out so I didn't exactly hear what was going on the next thing I knew we were dismissed" okay well now what?" I walked to the sleeping area and I saw Jaune in a onesie and I personally didn't really think it was that funny so I continue to walk to my spot to sleep which happened to be at the very edge of the boys side.
When I get there I noticed a certain blonde giving me a weird look.

Yang:" you didn't tell me you had muscles like that" she said this was a very seductive tone.

Me:" well I'm kind of self-conscious so yeah" oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm not wearing a shirt I'm just wearing shorts" well good night yang" I went to sleep but then after a while I was greeted by a certain someone.

Shiro:" good morning Sedrick" I look outside to confirm this but it was still dark out.

Me: I get up" what the heck Shiro this is way too early" she just smiled and guided me to the lockers.

Shiro:" you need more training and also there's a new Guardian you might know her"

Me:" who is it?" I really wanted to meet this person but Shiro placed her hand on my chest.

Shiro:" you need to be able to use your element properly so I want you to to create an attack out of ice" well this should be easy enough.

Me: I get into a fighting stance and Focus I push my hand out and a spray of ice crystals extend from the motion"I did it" I look around but she was gone

???:" wrong guess again" I look around trying to see who was talking  but all I could see was Shadows.

Me:" whoever you are I'm not afraid of you" I raise my fists in a fighting stance and and I hear the voice chuckle.

???:" you probably should be" out of nowhere an arrow  hit my side.

Me:" ouch that hurt!" I make a nice wall to block the rest of the arrows but it starts to crack so before it can break I roll out of the way and the Advance towards my target except I still only see Shadows.

???:" is that really the best you can do?" I don't answer cuz I'm still trying to find my attacker.

Me: what the heck is she made of Shadows" show yourself "

???:" that's not a good idea at least not yet" the Shadows suddenly move and I see the form of a girl in the Moonlight she leaps through an open window but as she turns I can see her face she's smiling but the smiles kind of crooked and her eyes are violet.

Me:" what are you some sort of nighttime jewel thief?" She smiles that crooked smile again.

???:" Maybe" and she's gone.

Me:" well that happened" I stand there for a while looking out the window and I realized something the sun is starting to come up.

Nora:" good morning sleepy-head!!!!" that girl does not know how to be quiet.....wait.

Me:" did I just stay up all night?" I sense movement behind me and turn around to see Ruby and yang.

Ruby:" hi Sedrick how are- wow you look tired"

Me: I look out the window then back at Ruby and yang" yeah I had a.... interesting night"

Is anyone else afraid of the dark well you might want to Buckle in tight because you're in for the ride of your life see you next time also a little hint about who the mysterious girl  is........

Well I hope you enjoyed have fun everyone and stay cool......... am I forgetting something?

Nighttalon132:" yes your special saying^^"

Iceknight55:" oh yeah thanks"* deep breath*.......

"Let's go all out!!!!!!!!"

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