chapter 5: initiation (I hate catapults)

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Me: after going through a couple conversations most of them having to do with me barely sleeping last night I made it to initiation and got in line with everyone else I could barely keep my eyes open but I could hear certain words being spoken.

Glynda:" the person you first make eye contact with will be your partner-" partners what was she talking about I continued to try to stay awake but I dozed off again.

Jaune: "did you pass out parachutes?" What do we need parachutes for it's not like we're going to...... wait a minute don't tell me.

Me:" what did you say?" I was wide awake now and I looked around me to see everyone getting launched into the air by the platforms under our feet
" Miss Glynda is this necessary?" I was starting to get extremely nervous.

Glynda:" completely mr. Shadden" with that I started flying and I have to say is the one thing that came out of my mouth is.

Me:"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Yep I forgot to mention I kind of had a fear of falling which is different from a fear of heights though sometimes I have that too. I continued on through the air and through my complete panic i see a tree right as it hits me in the face the next thing I knew I was staring at the sky"well that happened" I got to my feet and looked around I was far from everyone else I started running when I made it to a clearing I saw the retreating back of the Scorpion Grimm( sorry I forgot what it was called)" I guess I just missed them".

???:" I guess you did" I turn around see the girl from before the Shadows moved around her as if they were alive.

Me:" okay seriously who are you!?" I summon my sword and hold in front of me she gets out a bow and points it at me before she can do anything I charge I lead with a kick straight to her stomach and she dodges side-stepping me and then she shoots me point-blank in the back "ow that hurts!" I turn around and bring my sword across the bow hoping to snap it but at the last second it changes into a katana"what?"

???:" don't be so surprised most weapons do this" she tries to cut across my chest I block it and return a strike she ducked under it and swipes my legs out from under me I roll and come up in a spinning roundhouse kick she blocks it and use the momentum to cut me across the chest and kick me twice I fall to the ground and she points the blade at my neck" you're not much of a knight" she smiles that same crooked smile at me and I smile back I grabbed the blade pull her towards me and then kick her over my head when I get back up the Shadows seem to be aggravated they swarm around me.

Me:" any other annoying abilities you should tell me about?" Suddenly I hear a bang and I feel pain in my leg I go down to my knee I stare at her and the shadows move away to reveal her standing there with " a pistol are you kidding me that doesn't even make sense!" She smiles at me again.

???:" I'm guessing you're just going to keep complaining so I'll be leaving" she turns around starts walking away before she can get far I thrust my hand out in a pushing motion and a blast of ice slams into her but she just rolls and then comes up staring at me with that same Crooked Smile" i guess you've got some fight in you after all Frosty"

Me:" don't call me Frosty especially when you won't tell me your name you don't have the right to-"

???:" Jewel" I stare blankly at her.


Jewel:" you asked for my name and I told you it's Jewel" okay didn't expect it to go like this.

Me:" okay Jewel I'm-" she put her hand up to stop me.

Jewel:"sedrick shadden I know already" okay that wasn't creepy at all.

Me:" okay miss night I guess that means you already know what I'm doing here" her smile disappears and she brings her pistol to my head.

Jewel:" how do you know that was my last name!?" She pushed the guns barrel into my forehead.

Me: I put my hands in the air in surrender " I didn't I was just guessing!" She lowered the gun but still glared at me we would have had more time to Hash this out but we heard screeching and turned to see Ruby decapitate a Nevermore but something was wrong here even though the Nevermore was dead I could sense the danger wasn't passed two more Nevermore were coming up behind her without a word me and Jewel ran towards the area how we got there so fast I had no idea the next thing I knew I was right next to the cliff.

Jewel:" it's great that we're here but how are we going to get up?" I pick her up and then I start to run up the cliff while jumping occasionally on some platforms I made out of ice when I got to the top I put her down " thanks for the lift but if you do that again I'll kill you" she said this with a smile the Crooked one of course.

Me:" you can kill me all you want later but right now we have a problem" I summon my sword again and she transformed the gun back into a bow( seriously how does that work!?) Ruby turned to the two of us.

Ruby:"sedrick where were you who's that why are there to Nevermore now cool bow by the way" she said all of that in one breath. I glare at the Nevermore.

Me:" not now Ruby!" Jewel fires a couple arrows at the first and I attack the second with an ice blast and my sword Jewels Grimm gets poked in the eyes by several arrows and then blows up because apparently those arrows weren't normal I didn't get off so easily though well I was attacking it it launched a couple feathers at me and they hit their mark I hit the ground in pain and suddenly I feel strange soothing energy surrounding me I look up and see Shadows around me I noticed Jewel looking at me in concern.

Jewel:" you okay Frosty?" She had her hand out and I realized she was healing me.

Me:" I'm fine" I jumped back to stand next to her with my sword at the ready Ruby had started firing with crescent Rose in Sniper form" also don't call me Frosty" Jewel switch the bow into a katana and we both charged the Nevermore I ran forward and Jewel jumped off my shoulders to land on its head I joined her once I mounted the Nevermore I started hacking at it with my sword then it took off with us still on it Jewel change your weapon back into a bow and then turned to me.

Jewel:" get ready to jump" without checking to see if I was ready she shot the arrow into the Grimm's back and it started to burn needless to say it was definitely dead now we started dropping.

Me: I managed to keep my scream in this time and I saw we were close to the cliff wall I grabbed Jewel and then stabbed my blade into the cliff slowing our fall when we got to the ground I collapsed"well that was fun" Jewel glared at me.

Jewel:"I told you not to do that" I look towards her to retort but she was gone.

Me:"nice meeting you"

Hey everybody that was fun also Jewel night is the property of NightTalon132

See you next time

"Let's go all out!!!!"

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