chapter 9: boredom ( possibly filler)

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Before I start the story I'm just going to say I'm surprised that I now have 234 reads on my book I honestly didn't think it was going to get that far so thank you for reading this and sorry for the random updates it's kind of hard to come up with more ideas so I'll see you at the end of this chapter.


Me: one thing I didn't think I'd run across in my adventure was boredom you were sound asleep in a bed next to mine but I was to bored to sleep" hey (y/n) are you awake?" Of course you weren't but you were saying something your sleep.

You: "shiro can i...." I'm not sure I wanted to know where this was going" have the rest of Sedrick's sandwich?" What the heck.... wait a minute

Me:" you're awake aren't you?" You're suddenly very quiet but still not moving" if you don't wake up" I summon my sword then hold it over your neck the flat of the blade facing down " I'm going to give you the ice treatment"

You: you still stubbornly refuse to admit you're awake" ice cream is yummy" I push my sword against your neck and you immediately spring from the bed and almost jump high enough to hit the ceiling" what is wrong with you I could have died were you trying to kill me?"

Me:" I understand that people die when they are killed but I wasn't trying to attack you just get you out of bed" your reply is a fist to my face or it would have been if I hadn't dodged and sent a kick to your ribs.

You:" I see you're ready for round 2" you step back avoiding my kick and send a Ridge hand strike to my exposed neck.

I duck under it and send another Kick to your side the Fight Continues like this for a while you punching or kicking me dodging then returning the favor.

Me: I roll backwards to put some space between us then resummon  my sword you already have yours in hand" just to be clear I won the first round" I go for a horizontal slash cutting left to right you deflect it then use your momentum to deliver a spinning Roundhouse that I Dodge then thrust you parry and and try an double handed overhead strike I barely dodged it your guard is down I bring my sword up in a vertical slash hitting you in the shoulder the force of the blow knocked you on your back.

You:" ow that hurt but to be fair you've been doing this longer than me" I extend my hand to help you up you take it and I lift you to your feet.

Me:" not by much you're a really good fighter" and I meant it.

You:" thanks for the sparring match"

Me:" no problem wait did you do this just to fight me?"

You:" maybe I did maybe I didn't"

Shiro: " one thing is for sure both of you are excellent Warriors"

Me&you:" stop appearing out of nowhere!" It really did get annoying after a quick meal of  sandwiches and ice cream for dessert we both noticed someone missing.

Me: " where's Jewel?"

You:" you mean the scary cat girl?" Never heard that description before

Shiro: " she has her own mission to complete she'll  be back when it's done" I got a sense this had to do with more Multiverse stuff.

You: " we're in a school right shouldn't we be in class?" Leave it to you to address the Flaming elephant in the room.

Shiro: " no you will not be attending classes at Beacon" yes the best day ever.... I'm sensing a loophole.

Me: " you said we wouldn't be attending classes at Beacon" my homeschool senses were tingling. ( yes that is an actual thing us homeschoolers have it goes off when we're about to have lots of homework or near the end of our vacation when we know the fun will end)

You: " are you going to be teaching us?" Once again flaming freaking elephant.

Shiro:" all the Advanced Studies" suddenly a bunch of books appeared things like "introduction to dust science"

" every type of math in existence"( I'm just lazy)

" Grimm biology and Behavioral Studies"

And let's not forget

" weapon making for dummies"

I can only say one thing to this.

Me: " you been talking to my mom haven't you?" The only thing she did in reply is laugh.

You: "noooooooooo!!"

Me:"dang it"


Iceknight55: no matter where you go you will never be able to escape School

NightTalon132: that's extremely true

Iceknight55: by the way where are you?

Nighttalon132: that's a secret^^

Iceknight55: can you give me a hint?

Nighttalon132: sure it's somewhere this version of you is never been

Iceknight55: that's not very helpful

Nighttalon132: neither are you

Everyone in the comments: burn!!

Iceknight55: normally that would be a burn but I'm ice cold

Nighttalon132: of course you are^^

Iceknight55: I can't tell if that was sarcasm but I don't care.

Hello it's me and no I'm not about to sing so let me know if there's anything I can improve in the story or if there's a certain scene you like and thanks for sticking around stay cool and......

"Let's go all out!!!!!!"

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