chapter 11: Focus

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Me: Darkness nothing the darkness I kind of wonder if I'm even alive.

Jewel:" well you are"

Me:" really?"

Jewel: " yes open your eyes" so I do and instantly regret it.

Me:" too high too high!!!" I was on a tower in an endless field that seemed to stretch on forever the ground was covered in grass and flowers" where are we?"

Jewel: " a pocket dimension that will be used for your training"

Me: I stare at her for a second " where's (y/n)?"

You: " right here" I jump in Surprise as I realize you've been there the whole time.

Me: " are you a ninja now?" You look at me with a smug smile.

You: " I can be stealthy when I want to"

Jewel: " that's good because the two of you are going to fight again" she smirks as she looks at me and you " and this time no portal" as she says this she walks backward into a portal.

Me: " I thought you said no portal!" I punched the air and send a blast of ice at the portal but it disappears.

You:" may as well have fun!" As you say this your eyes glow with (a/c) flames and you rush at me raising your right fist for  a jab to my throat but I side step to the right and bring my left  leg up in a front kick to your chest you quickly roll out of the way and come up with your fists on fire.

Me: " not bad" I copy you and cover my hands with  a layer of ice we Circle each other waiting for the other to make a move you punch the air sending a ball of flame at me I block it with a ice wall and you start trying to melt it but I kick towards the wall and force it to slam into you almost knocking you off the tower but you weren't done yet.

You: " you're not going win that easily" you Blast Your Way through the wall and run at me once you get close enough you try to sweep my legs out from under me but I dodge it with a backflip but before I can touch the ground you hit me with a ball of Fire and the force in the hit knocks me off the tower as I fall I start to freak out but then  my mind is calm and I use my ice to propel myself back towards the tower and slow my fall once I hit the ground I roll and summon my sword.

Me: " that was low" ( get it because my altitude was decreased!!) Your response was to dive off of the Tower in a blaze of glory your sword also drawn I raise mine in a defensive stance as you come down with a fiery overhead strike there's a Shockwave and steam rises from our  joined Blades you strike I Parry and try for a low swipe would you block and bring  your left foot in for a hook kick which I block with  ice leaving you open I create another sword out of ice
And strike you with that one you take the hit and back up a couple steps all the while throwing Fireball after Fireball I block the projectiles with my swords and return fire (haha fire) with shards of ice which you block it continues like this for a minute then you break the loop with an explosion blast of flame I make a small Dome around me to stop the blast and it cracks as the fiery wind moves around it " wow that was cool"

You: "no it's hot" I drop the Dome shield and Rush at you preparing to deliver Flurry of Blows which you return with equal speed Sparks Fly as we go back and forth blade against blade Focus against Focus mind against mind fire against ice and as we exchange sword strikes Embers rise from your skin and snowflakes with sharp edges rise from mine we both make one final strike I bring both of my swords forward and you bring yours down they meet in the middle and there's yet another Shockwave and More Steam my eyes glow ice blue and yours Blaze (a/c)
" is that all you got Snowman?"

Me:" not even close Hot Head!"

The temperature sharply drops as I start attacking with more and more ice creating spikes that rise from the ground you just slash through them with your Blazing Sword and send waves upon waves of flames at me  I Duck and Weave running towards you all the while as we attack each other with our elements and exchange sword strikes in a Dance of blades we both start moving faster and faster to the point where we aren't even visible except for short moments when our swords meet it continues like this until you deliver an axe kick to my shoulder making me drop my sword and fall to my knees you point your blazing blade at my throat.

You: " I win!" Your blazing (a/c) eyes return to they're normal calm (e/c) and Jewel walks in through a new portal.

Jewel: " congratulations (y/n) you beat an idiot" oh come on am I ever going to get a break.

Me:" is that really necessary?" You offer me a hand and I take it I stand up and nearly fall over again " how much power did we use?"

You: " not sure but somewhere close to our individual limits" you walk up to Jewel " so we can come here at any time to practice?"

Jewel:" yeah it's one of the perks of being able to travel through dimensions" was one of the other perks unlimited dr. Pepper?

Me:" I need a drink" I walk towards the portal and you and Jewel follow.

You:" at this point we all do I really worked up a sweat" we stepped through the portal and enter our room.

Me: " that's funny I didn't" I only just noticed now.

You:" it's probably because you're so cold" I stare at you with a blank expression as I reach into the mini fridge and get out two cans of dr. Pepper( if you don't like it it's not my problem I'll  just drink both)

Me:" nobody's cooler than me"

(Que copyright music not really I'm just kidding)


Iceknight55: hey guys it's been a while hasn't it?

Nighttalon132: yes it has fight me^^

Iceknight55: why would I do that you fight dirty

Nighttalon132: you scared of getting beat by a girl^^

Iceknight55:... since this is now a matter of pride  I accept your challenge!

* she jumps on me and Claws the heck out of my face*

Breaking news a Young author by the name of iceKnight55 has been admitted to the Wattpad City Hospital he has suffered multiple bites and scratches a cracked rib and broken Pride it seems in all likelihood he was beat by a girl.

Well thanks for sticking with me sorry about the long gaps in Between updates but I'll try to do my best to make them quicker if not well we can all drink dr. Pepper!!

On a more serious note I want to thank DannyEscobar4 for helping me  with my fight scenes and NightTalon132 for her OC Jewel night I also want to thank you for all the support and for 417 reads thank you so much see you I'll see you out there stay cool and......

"Let's go all out!!!!!!!!"

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