chapter 8: welcome to my life (or yours)

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(Y/n)  your name

(L/n) last name

(E/c) eye color

(H/c) hair color

(H/l) hair length

(S/c) skin color

(A/c) aura color

In the comments tell me if I did a good job and what your aura color is and if it has a special effect like Flames lightning Etc ok let's go!
--------------------------------------------------You: you had just finished reading chapter 7 of the hidden Knight and you realized you were hungry as you leave your room you pass a mirror you stop and look into it your (e/c) eyes look back your (h/c) hair was (h/l) your (s/c) skin had no marks on it" hey good looking" you smile at the same joke you tell yourself every morning your phone buzzed telling you you had a notification it was from the author of the book you were just reading.

Iceknight55: thank you for listening to my life so far.

The message confused you after grabbing a sandwich from the refrigerator you go back to your room but stop seeing something that wasn't there before.

(This but the purple parts are in your aura color if your aura color is purple then that's fine)

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(This but the purple parts are in your aura color if your aura color is purple then that's fine)

The pointed end of  the sword was stuck in your bedroom floor.

You:" what the heck is this?!" The blade blazed with (a/c) fire and for some reason you really wanted to touch it.

???:" just grab the Flaming sword already" you turn around to see a boy who looked around 16 with brown skin  dark brown eyes and short black hair he was wearing an ice blue hoodie and gray and ice blue pants.

You:"who are you?!" The boy smiled.

???:"maybe this will answer your question" the boy holds up his hand and out of nowhere a sword appears and weirdly enough it looked exactly like the sword on the cover of the book.

You:" sedrick shadden?" Plus two things one someone impossible was in your house number to they were in your room you turn back around and grab the sword pointing it at him.

Me:" whoa whoa wait!" Even though his words are trying to be calm he still raises his sword in a defensive position.

You: "get out of my room you creep!!" You really wanted this guy out even if he was a super-powered Warrior. (To any girls reading this you're welcome and sorry because I have no idea how to make this character gender-neutral)

My pov....

Me: I knew going to a guy's room randomly was a bad idea but I was out of good ones "I'm sorry?" Your eyes blazed with (a/c) fire as you attacked me I blocked the first strike but you was surprisingly fast and followed up with three more I blocked the first one but the other two got me.

You:"that's what you get you stalker!!" You didn't notice however that you started burn things so I had to act fast.

Me: I run at you getting ready to tackle "shiro now!!" As I make contact a portal opens up behind you and we both fall through it closes immediately after  Jewel and Shiro are standing next to us and I realize we're in my room" I know this is a good place to do this but why my room?" You were laying on the ground staring at everyone in shock but your eyes locked on Shiro

You"are you single?" That wasn't what I expected would come out of your mouth and for some reason it annoyed me.

Shiro: " that's a secret" she smiles at you then helps you up.

Jewel:" congratulations frosty you just kidnapped someone" she helps me up and I look at you.

Me:" first things first did you notice anything different about yourself?" You examine your arms and body (a/c) Flames appear on your body then just as quickly disappear.

You: "i feel hot" for some reason I felt like laughing.

Me: " that's because you hold the element of Fire what's your name?"

You: " (y/n) (l/n)" you offer your hand and I take it and Shake firmly.

Me:" it's nice to meet you (y/n)"


Iceknight55: this is great you're finally here

Nighttalon132: and you're really hot ^^

Iceknight55:........ O_O

Nighttalon132: you know what I meant!* punches the author's arm*

Iceknight55: ow sometimes you have no chill but it's okay I have plenty for both of us * I run off*

Nighttalon132: get back here!!* runs after me*

Iceknight55: nope anyway guys and girls thank you for reading chapter 8 of The Hidden knight
I'm excited for what happens next and I hope you are too see you out there and.......

"Let's go all out!!!!"

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