chapter 6: Go team!

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In my room......

Me: I sit on my bed and wonder when the lazy author is going to make a new chapter...then I see all of you watching me"oh hi" I turned towards your expectant faces " in case you're wondering why this is a fourth wall break the author got lazy and didn't update this book for a long time." I get off the bed
" basically what happened is..."

After the teams are made.....

Me:" what do you mean I don't get a team?!" I was in office of Headmaster ozpin.

Ozpin:" because of your peculiar situation you cannot have a team and therefore you cannot take part in the tournament" apparently I wasn't getting a team it made a weird kind of sense everyone is already in their teams.

Shiro:" we are here to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens you know that" yep she's back again I was about to make a comment but I was interrupted.

Jewel:"stop whining Frosty" she's here too and I have no idea why.

Me:" I'm not whining and stop calling me frosty why do you keep calling me that?" I had a weird feeling about what she was going to say.

Jewel:" it's the nickname I gave you well the other you anyway"

Me: "other me?" Was I cloned or something?

Ozpin:"it seems Miss night is from a different reality such as yourself" the weird thing is I wasn't really that surprised.

Me: " tell me about this other version of me" this is something I had to know.

Jewel:" well he doesn't scream like a girl" she said that with a satisfied smirk.

Me:" I didn't-"

Shiro:"yes you did I was there"........what?

Me:"no you weren't!" She just Smiles at me then disappears in a flash of light.

Shiro:" hello sedrick"......okay that was weird.

Me:" you're in my head"

Shiro:" you're really calm about it" to be honest I'd had more than enough of my share weird so it made sense.

Me:" I'm used to it by now" and I was.

Ozpin:" you will watch over all the students and I in turn will watch you" that was reassuring.

Jewel:"why do i have to go to the same thing twice?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

Shiro:"I do and it's actually really amazing" okay this needs to stop.

Me:"can you get out of my head please?" She is Silent for a while.

Shiro:" does it really bother you that much?" I wasn't actually sure how to answer that.

Me:"it's not like I hate it but it makes me feel uncomfortable" that was as accurate as I could get.

Ozpin:"as much as I enjoy our conversations I have more important things to take care of and it's time you see your room Mr. Shadden" I get my own room.....wait a minute.

Me:" where did jewel go?" Ozpin Simply smiled. Me and shiro left the office and found my room once I went inside the lights were off and the door closed behind me I turn around to see jewel she had her weapon nightTalon pointed at my throat in dagger form.

Jewel:" you are not the sedrick I know so don't act like it" the only thing I could say to that was..........

Me:"ummmm".......yeah real smooth.

Iceknight55:......that happened

NightTalon132: you still don't get it do you?

Iceknight55:get what?!

Nighttalon132: *smirks*nothing.

Iceknight55: she won't kill me right?

Nighttalon132:maybe ^^

Iceknight55:...... O_O

Anyway guys sorry for not posting I just had a lot of things going on and I kind of forgot about it nope that's a lie I actually was pretty lazy but I'm back on it I think so....

"Let's go all out!!!!!"

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