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Some people say moving is hard; that they don't want to move to a completely different state and start all over.

I get it, I do. But I'm not one of those people.

I was born and raised in Colorado. Growing up, I had to like it. I didn't have a choice in staying or leaving. Considering my parents never wanting to leave the only place they know, you can guess where I've been my whole life.

That is, until my father passed away.

My mother couldn't handle staying in the town where they met and fell in love, saying it was too much for her to handle. That's why she decided to move us.

Here's where everyone else would get upset and angry; they wouldn't want to leave the town where there are so many memories of their father everywhere they go. Especially before their senior year starts.

I, on the other hand, could care less.

I've always hated this town. There was nothing to do, having to drive over an hour just to go shopping. Only the usual fast food restaurants - McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's.

Sure, I'm going to miss what few friends I have (if I could even call them that) and all of the memories of my father, but I'm ready to start a new life, in a new state, in a new school.

* * * *

"You have everything, right?" mom asked, looking over at me from the driver's side of her car.

I nodded, "Yes, mom."

"You remember where the office is, right?"

"Of course. We were here literally two days ago."

"Right, right.. Well, you go on, we don't want you to be late."

"God forbid," I chuckled, pushing open the car door, "Have a good first day, yourself."

"Thanks, sweetie." she smiled up at me, "I'll see you later tonight."

I nodded and shut the door after standing up, waving as she drove off. I let out a breath and turned towards the school, brushing my dark curls back and making my way up to the doors. As usual, everyone stared at the new girl, which caused me to roll my eyes slightly as I continued my way to the office.

After retrieving my schedule and locker information, I made my way to my locker and quickly pulled it open, shoving the binders and notebooks I brought inside. Movement to my right caught my eye, causing me to look over and see a couple making up. I mentally groaned, shaking my head, "Gross." I muttered.

"At least it isn't on your locker." a voice stated, causing me to jump and turn around quickly.

A tall guy with messy brown hair and bright brown eyes was smiling down at me. I made a face, "That's rough, bud."

He shrugged, "It's happened almost every day the past two years, I've grown used to it."

I nodded slowly and closed my locker, "I can get them to move, if you want."

"Nah, I already have what I need."

I repeated my actions and looked up at him again, "Are you not going to do the typical, 'Hey you're the new girl!' bit?"

"Nope; seems too cliche."

I chuckled, "Good. Well, I'm Meadow Jones." I told him, holding my hand out to him.

"Peter Parker." Peter replied, shaking my hand softly.

"Thank you for not doing the cliche thing, Peter. I'm also sorry about your locker make-out buddies. If you ever want me to get them away, I'm just a couple of lockers down."

Peter laughed, his eyes crinkling up, "I'll keep that in mind. Want me to show you to your first class?"

"If you don't mind."

* * * *

I held my bowl of mac and cheese to my chest, my eyes focused on the t.v. that was currently playing Rick and Morty. After a long day at Mid-Town high, it was nice to be on the couch watching one of my favorite shows, eating my favorite food.

Peter was the only person who I made friends with today, both of us just clicking with one another. We had a couple of classes together - chemistry and history. The other class, everyone just stared and evaluated me like I was some strange new creature they had discovered.

Which, I guess in some ways, was true.

"How was your first day?"

My mom's voice caused me to jump, nearly dropping my food all over the couch, "When the hell did you get home?" I asked her, turning to face her.

She laughed, laying her bag on the kitchen counter, "Just now. I thought you heard the door close."

"You know how I am when I'm watching Rick and Morty."

"Right, right. Well, how was it?"

"It was alright. I made one friend."

"One is better than none, Meadow," she smiled, "Classes okay?"

"Just your typical classes," I shrugged, standing and walking into the kitchen with her, "How was your first day?"

"The hospital is a lot bigger than the one at Colorado, but I guess that was to be expect."

I nodded, stirring the noodles around in the bowl, "Think you'll like it there?"

"I do," mom smiled, "The people are really nice, which is strange for New Yorkers."

I chuckled, "I think we'll both like it here."

"I do, too, sweetie." she sighed, hugging me gently, "I'm going to take a shower. Heat up that mac and cheese, will you?"

"Sure thing."

I watched her walk out of the kitchen, a sigh escaping my lips.

We'll be okay.

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