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The bank was a place I never enjoyed going to.

Not that it took long; you're pretty much out of there as soon as you walk in. Just having to go was the problem with me. Especially on a Saturday when I should be relaxing and watching crappy movies all while texting Peter.

I tapped my foot, mentally trying to rush the person in front of me. I glanced down at the bill in my hands my mom had me come and pay, a sigh escaping my lips.


I quickly glanced up and started to make my way towards the teller, only to freeze when there was a loud bang behind me. I quickly dropped to my knees and looked back, seeing multiple men in ski masks and guns run into the bank.

Of. Course.

I jumped as there were more loud gunshots, peoples screams blending in with it. I pressed my back up against the wall, keeping low to the ground as panic started to settle in. What if Spider-Man doesn't show up this time? What if he's on some kind of trip? Or if he's sick?

I glanced up at the large clock on the wall, seeing that it was 1:47 in the afternoon. I bit my bottom lip and looked around the the room, seeing everyone in the same position as me, watching the masked men walk around slowly. One of them were at the window, money being slid to him in a fast manner.

I swallowed and looked down at my shaking hands, my mind jumping to Peter. I knew I should have asked him to come with me..

Making sure none of the men were facing me, I slowly reached into my jacket pocket and pulled my phone out. I quickly went to Peter's contact and pressed the phone symbol. I turned the volume down as low as it could go and quickly put my phone back in my pocket. I didn't know why this comforted me, but just in case something happened, he would know.

Which is kind of morbid on my part.

"Now, we're all staying here until Spider-Man shows up!" the man who was collecting the money yelled loudly, "For every ten minutes he doesn't show up, someone dies!"

My heart dropped, my eyes meeting the clock once again. 1:54.

"Our time starts.. Now." he shouted as it reached 1:55.

I kept my eyes on the men as they paced the room, looking over all of us. I done the same, taking in the people around me.

There was an older woman who looked to be in her sixties, a young couple holding each other closely, a group of friends doing the same thing as the couple, a man in a business suit sitting protectively in front of either his girlfriend or wife, another older woman and then me.

I took another look at the clock once again, seeing five minutes has passed.

Five more minutes until someone dies.

The thought brought chills to my body. I don't think I could bare to witness something like that.

"Five more minutes!" the man yelled, "Who should our first victim be? How about you?" he walked over to one of the tellers I didn't realize had come out front, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to the center of the room.

My whole body began to shake, my eyes never leaving the clock. Another five minutes passed, all blood leaving my face when I realized Spider-Man still hadn't showed up.

"What a shame," the man sighed, "You seemed like a nice guy, too."

A loud shot rang through the room, my eyes widening as I watched the man fall to the floor, blood soon puddling around his head.

Tears welled up in my eyes, my breath shakily leaving my mouth in small gasps. Where the hell was Spider-Man? How can he just let this be happening?

"Now, who should our next one be?"

My eyes watched as he made his way around the room before stopping at me, my heart literally stopping in my chest.

"How about this pretty little thing?" he hummed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up.

I stood beside of him, my whole body continuing to shake uncontrollably. I looked around the room for the hundredth time, seeing everyone either crying, hiding their face, or staring up at the clock.

"Five more minutes!"

I shook my head slowly and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to will Spider-Man to the bank somehow.

All of a sudden, one of the windows at the top of the building shattered, the familiar red and blue suited hero swinging in. I kept my wide eyes on him as he took out multiple men, police soon rushing in and doing the same.

After what felt like forever, we were escorted out, EMT's instantly running up to us and guiding us to different ambulances.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

I shook my head as he sat me down, a blanket instantly going around my shoulders. I pulled it tighter around me, my eyes blankly staring at the concrete below me.

"Okay, I need you to-"


My eyes slowly trailed up the suit everyone knows, stopping on the whites of his mask.

"Are you- do you need anything?"

"She needs medical attention right now, Spidey."

"Right- right, yeah." he nodded, sounding vaguely familiar.

I gave him a weak smile before dropping my eyes to the ground again. I heard him sigh loudly before he quickly swung away.

- - - -

"Meadow, someone is here to see you." mom said from my door.

After the incident and mom had brought me home, I instantly went to my room and got in bed. I hadn't moved in I don't know how long.

"Go on in, Peter." I heard her say quietly.

A few moments later, the bed sunk down from behind me, fingers slowly running through my hair, "Your mom called my aunt," he said quietly, "I came over as soon as May told me."

I nodded slightly.

He sighed and laid down beside me carefully, pulling the blankets over his body. His arm slowly wrapped around my waist and pulled me towards him, "I'm here now, Meadow," he whispered, "I'll never let anything happen to you."

Tears filled my eyes as I turned towards him, hiding my face in his chest, "I was so scared-"

"Shh, I know," he whispered, "Everything is okay now."

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