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My eyes followed Harry as he continued to pace around the room he had brought us to. It seemed to be an abandoned building, it practically falling apart even more every step he took.

"So.." I started, causing his eyes to flash towards me, "What exactly are we waiting on?"


I nodded slowly before tilting my head, "And why do I need to be here?"

Harry stopped moving after I said that. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to say something. He turned his whole body towards me, his eyes narrowing slightly, "Don't you know who Spider-Man is?"

"Um, no," I stated, "Just because he saves me all the time doesn't mean I know his identity."

Harry let out a shrill laugh at that, causing me to cringe slightly, "I can't believe he didn't tell you."

"Well, I can. He's Spider-Man, so-"

"No, Peter. Peter is Spider-Man."

I stared at him for a few seconds before chuckling a little, "Right, okay and I'm Superwoman. Can you just get me out of here now? I was serious about the Thanksgiving dinner."

He opening his mouth to reply, only for something red and blue fly in, knocking him back. After a few minutes of struggle, Spider-Man had Harry pinned down, Harry smirking up at Spider-Man, "It's about time you showed up. Your little girlfriend and I had a lovely conversation."

"Shut it, Goblin. What do you want?"

I listened closely at Spider-Man's voice, it sounding almost exactly like Peter's. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up off the ground, "Peter?" I asked quietly, causing the masked hero's head to turn in my direction for a few seconds before he looked down at Harry again.

"You told her." he growled.

"I just thought it'd be nice for her to know what was really going on with you," Harry laughed, "You know, before she dies."

"Wait, what?" I frowned, only for his glider to rise up by itself and rush towards me. My eyes widened and I ducked down quickly, feeling something grab my shirt and lift me up in the air. A scream left my lips loudly as I was flown out of the abandoned building, the glider rising up higher into the air. I looked around, seeing Spider-Man, or should I say Peter?, swinging behind us quickly.

I gasped as I felt the thing release my shirt, only to land on a net like material. I looked down below me, instantly feeling nauseous at the view of water below me. I quickly rolled over on my back and closed my eyes, breathing in through my nose.


I opened my eyes, seeing Spider-Man's mask in front of my face, causing me to jump and close my eyes again, "Jesus, back up some."

He chuckled slightly before grabbing my waist gently, "C'mon, we have to get you somewhere safe."

"And where is that gonna be?" I frowned, my arms instinctively going around his neck, "He knows who you are and where you live. He probably knows where I live, so please. Enlighten me as to where we're going to go."

I didn't mean to come off as rude; I was grateful he was trying to keep me safe. What really bothered me was how Peter never let me in on his little secret. I know it's a big deal to keep his identity to himself, but after everything, I thought I could be trusted with information like that.

Peter sighed, shooting a web and swinging quickly, "I'm not sure. We'll find something, though."

"You won't leave me alone, will you? I mean, I know I'm mad at you, but I don't want to be alone." I told him quickly.

He turned his head towards me for a few seconds before he spoke again, "I would never leave you alone, Meadow. No matter what."



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i suck so bad for not posting in months im so sorry

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