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Before moving to New York, I never once thought about some guy in red spandex literally swinging around the city, saving others from whatever crime was occurring.

Now living in New York, that's the only thing that has been on my mind.

I've been here for about two months now. The first time I saw this guy was on a newspaper stand as I was walking by. I stopped and asked the man who he was, in which I got the reply: "You must live under a damn rock if you don't know who that is, girl."

After that interaction, I decided to just Google who he was and read about what he does.

The second time I saw him, I was on my way home from school. I was about a block away when I heard people start to gasp and point up to the sky. I looked up and saw Spider-Man swinging quickly the opposite way.

The third, and final, time, he was helping people out of a car that a large truck had almost crushed.

I remember reading about how a lot of people were against what he does; saying he's more of a menace than a hero. I was with those who thought he was a hero. If it weren't for him, who knows what would have happened to this city with all the criminals running around.

"So, are you going to tell me how you bruised half your face or am I gonna have to find Flash and make him admit he done it?" I asked Peter, who was holding a sandwich up to his face, his eyes quickly fixating on me.

"Huh? N-no! No, it wasn't Flash." he replied, lowering his sandwich and shaking his head.

I nodded slowly and hummed, "You know, I've been here for only two months, but I've seen the way he messes with you. Are you sure-"

"How could I not be sure? It is my face, Meadow." he chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at him before shoving his shoulder, "Don't be a smart-ass," I laughed slightly, "I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm always okay."

"Explain the bruise then."

"I, uh, fell. Yeah."


"Off my skateboard."

I studied him, evaluating his face before nodding, "Doesn't surprise me, really. You are super clumsy."

Peter scoffed before finally getting a bite of his sandwich, "Thanks."

* * * *

"I know, mom," I sighed into my phone, "I got caught up in this book-"

"That's no excuse as to why you can't call your mother and tell her you won't be home until 10 at night!" she practically shouted back.

I held the phone away from my ear, rolling my eyes, "It won't happen again."

"Especially in New York! You know how crime is around here!"

"Yeah, I know."

"Just hurry and get home." she stated before hanging up.

"Okay." I muttered, locking my phone and shoving it into my back pocket.

I had found this little bookstore on my way home from school and decided to check it out. Peter usually walked with me, but he had something to do for his Aunt directing after school. The bookstore had all kinds of books of all different genres and I had found one that contained almost all of Edgar Allen Poe's poems and stories in it. After what seemed like 5 minutes, the owner came up to me and told me they were closing. That's when I realized it wasn't 5 minutes; it was over 5 hours.

I crossed my arms over my chest, my eyes darting around everything I passed. Just because there was some hero out here doesn't mean he would come and help me if anything happened; who knows what he's up to now? I let out a breath and quickened my pace.

Three more blocks, Meadow.

"Lookie here, boys! We got us a pretty one!"

Of course.

I continued walking, the sound of multiple footsteps following behind me.

"Where ya going, baby doll?"

I mentally gagged, closing my eyes tightly and shaking my head, my pace picking up even more.

"Come on now," one of the men chuckled, a hand grabbing my elbow, "Let's have some fun."

"How about no?" I spat, glaring up at all three of them.

"Aw, don't be like that."

"It's kinda hot when you're mad."

"Let's head back to my place-"

"How about all of you just-"

"Everything okay here?" a different voice asked from behind me.

I turned and spotted a figure in a full red and blue body suit. I let out a breath and instinctively stepped closer to Spider-Man, causing him to step forward and shield my body with his.

"Everything's fine, man. We were just asking if she needed some company." one of the smirked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"How about you leave her alone and let me get her home safely?" Spider-Man growled, his fist clenching.

The men held their hands up in surrender, backing away from him, "Sure, yeah. Whatever."

We watched as the men walked off before he finally turned towards me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "Creeps."

"You got that right. Where do you live, I'll make sure no one else bothers you."

I smiled and told him the street I lived on, "You don't have to walk with me, though."

"I don't mind," he chuckled, already walking ahead, "It's been a quiet night."

Nodding, I caught up with him, "Well, thank you."

He copied my action and turned his head towards me, "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Meadow."

"You, too, Spider-Man."

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