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"Meadow, I think that's enough."

"Excuse me, Peter, but when did you become the string light police?" I retorted, twisting some purple lights in with the orange ones I had hanging already.

"Since this has started to become a fire hazard." he chuckled slightly.

Halloween was quickly approaching and with it being one of my favorite holidays, I like to go all out and decorate as much as I can. Even if it meant a little fire hazard.

"I just don't want to get a call in the middle of the night saying my girlfriend died due to too many string lights in her room."

"Girlfriend?" I asked, ignoring everything else he had said.

We had never discussed what we were. Ever since the night he came by and held me while I cried, we had been closer than ever. Clearly we were something more than friends, but we had never voiced to each other what we officially were.

Peter sat up on my bed, opening his mouth to reply, only for my bedroom door to open, "Meadow- really?" mom laughed, "You and your decorating."

I shrugged and continued to wrap the lights together, "At least it looks good."

Mom shook her head slightly, "Right. Well, I'm heading out to run a few errands. Do you two need anything?"

"Maybe a fire extinguisher." Peter suggested, standing up and looking at the lights.

I rolled my eyes, "We're fine, mom. Thank you, though."

She nodded and smiled at us once more before turning and closing the door as she walked out. I turned towards Peter, finally finished messing with the lights and crossed my arms, "So, girlfriend, huh?" I repeated, tilting my head.

Peter shrugged slightly and moved closer to me, "I mean, I kinda assumed."

"You know what they say, Pete," I smirked, "You should never assume because it makes an ass out of you and me."

He chuckled and shook his head, "Of course."

Smiling, I stepped even closer to him, "I'll be your girlfriend."

"Just like that?"

"Nope," I giggled, "You have to take me on a date and make me see that you're worthy of being my boyfriend."

"Oh, right. Anything for you, your highness." he laughed, mockingly bowing at me.

I chuckled and shoved his shoulder, "Shut up. I'm serious about the date, though."

"Alright," he nodded, heading towards the door, "You get ready and I'll be back here at six."

"You already have something planned?"

"Eh, I'll figure something out." he shrugged as he walked out of my room, the door closing behind him.

I shrugged and turned towards my lights, smiling up at them. The door suddenly opened again, Peter's head peeking in, "And unhook those before you leave."


I looked at the clock, a frown forming on my face.


Being late is a normal thing for Peter, but I just thought he would actually show up on time for our date..

My phone suddenly buzzed, a message from the person I was just thinking about popping up.

I'm so sorry I'm late! Meet me at the restaurant you always make me go to :)

I sighed quietly and stood from the couch, "I'm leaving, mom!" I called out.

She called out a quick 'have fun' before I stepped out of the front door into the cool night. I glanced around before taking off to the right, taking my time as I walked down the street. If Peter doesn't care to be late, then there's no need in me hurrying.

As I continued to walk, my mind randomly thought of Spider-Man. Even though I could have died the last time I seen him in action, he did end up saving me. Peter brought up the idea of him dealing with some other crime before he could make it to the bank, which was completely possible. I just hated that one person didn't make it out alive.

I glanced up at my surroundings, realizing I was a few shops down from the restaurant I always made Peter go to. I smoothed out my dress and took in a breath before walking in, not spotting Peter anywhere. I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled at a waitress. After explaining that Peter was late, she took me to a two person table and got my drink order.


It felt like hours had passed. When I checked my phone, I realized an hour had actually passed. I scoffed and took a look at my two empty glasses before standing up and making my way up to the waitress who had been so patient with me tonight. She smiled sadly at me and waved me off, "Don't worry about paying for your drinks."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Go give that boy a piece of your mind."

"Oh trust me. I'm going to." I sighed.

After thanking her, I angrily made my way out of the restaurant. I pulled my phone out, glaring down at Peter's name. I suddenly ran into a hard chest, causing me to look up and meet those oh so familiar brown eyes.

"Where the hell have you been, Parker?" I growled, "And why did you just come out of an alley?"

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