Just Like Her Mother!

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Summary: Hiccup and Astrid have been married for 4 years now and they have a beautiful daughter called Ragna. The chief and his family has had very wonderful times, but mostly Hiccup sees that his daughter is like a clone of her mother. Their daughter is 3 and a half years old.

Takes place after HTTYD 2.

And I mentioned they are already married.

BTW I do not own that video, its only where I got the name Ragna for Hiccstrid's daughter.


It was a lovely night in Berk, the moon is shining, Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftops *The author mutters* I must be losing it, I'm quoting Hiccup, anyway back to the story: The village was overall happy, so why don't we go over to the Haddock family and see what's goi-

H: I'm gonna catch you, you little Terror.

Really Hiccup you couldn't wait for just 2 more seconds could you?

H: Well sorry she's my daughter.

True, okay keep going and I will be filming for the One-Shot.

H: Uh okay. Where are you Ragna, *says in a monster way* I will find you and them gobble you up like a hungry dragon.

Meanwhile Astrid was cooking dinner and heard her husband calling Ragna.

A: Hiccup what are you doing?

H: Oh hey m'lady, I-uh- I'm looking for that little flower, I lost in a bet and I have to play with her Hide-n-seek, not that there is anything wrong with that.

A: What was the bet?

H: It was about what you will be cooking today for dinner and when you told us she won, because I guessed chicken stew-

A: Don't say that in front of Tuffnut.

H: *Chuckles* and Ragna guessed some bread with Yak milk. So she won and now I have no idea where she is.

A: Wow smart girl *While pouring Yak milk in three cups* But still its not surprising you can't find a little girl in a huge house.

H: Yeah no kidding. *While looking for his daughter* She is however like you: Smart, brave, fearless.

A: That doesn't say she's like me you are all of those things too.

H: Oh really? Let's see: She guessed what you will be cooking for dinner tonight, she loves learning about Nadders like you, her favorite weapon is an axe like you.

A: Fair point.

H: Ragna is just like her mother.

Hiccup continues to look for his daughter while making funny noises seeing if she might laugh and then he could track her down. After 2 minutes of looking for her there came a knock on the door, Astrid went to see who it is. She opens the door and-

T: Hey howdie hay its me Tuffnut the great.

A: Yes I know who you are Tuffnut. What is it you want?

Hiccup kept looking for Ragna and Tuffnut looked at him confused.

T: Sup H you lost your spare leg?

H: What no! I'm just playing Hide-n-seek with my daughter, but I can't find her and I tried saying funny things, but she won't even laugh.

A: That's because your not that funny.

Astrid said while walking back to the kitchen

H: Astrid!

T: Fear not my one legged chief I shall find your daughter by saying one of my great jokes.

H: A-alright you can give it a try.

Astrid watched while setting up the table for dinner as Tuff came in and closed the door.

T: Ragna if you can hear me I have a joke for you.

No answer

T: Okay, what do you call a deaf driller dragon?...........Anything you want he can't hear you. *Laughs hysterically*

Hiccup and Astrid just chuckled until they heard a small laugh coming from under the couch.

Hiccup went to look under it and-



R: Oh no mommy Hewlp me the bwad dwargon has takwn me.

Hiccup and Astrid just laughed along with Tuffnut.

T: Well my work here is done, well technically its not, Hiccup I came here to tell you that Heather and Dagur are coming tomorrow for a small visit.

H: Oh okay and thanks Tuff.

T: No problem.

And with that Tuffnut left and went back home.

A: Alright! Who's hungry.

R: ME!

That night the Haddocks ate their dinner and went to sleep.

The Next Morning!


Ragna was still asleep while Hiccup and Astrid are getting ready for the great visit today.

A: Hiccup could you please wake up our daughter.

Astrid said while braiding her hair.

H: Sure

The chief left his room and went to his little Terror's room to find her still asleep, he walked to the side of her bed and shook her gently.

H: Ragna, Ragna, Ragna.............Ragna...............WAKE UP!

Suddenly his daughters eyes opened and she got a small axe that she could lift from under her pillow and aimed it at Hiccup who she thought was a hunter or something.


Hiccup falls down and land on his back, the sound was loud enough to get Astrid's attention. Ragna looked down and saw her father.

R: Woops sowy daddy.

A: What is going on in here?

Astrid stared at them curiously wondering what happened, but her husband answered it for her:

H: Let's just say I was waking Ragna up until she decided that she should just kill me so I never wake her up again.

R: Sowy I think you wewr a huntow.

H: Would a hunter just come in your room and wake you up or will it kidnap you while you were still asleep.

R: Oooooohhhhhhhh.

A: *Laughs*

H: *Still on the ground* See I told you she's like her mother, I remember that one time I had to go finish my duties and I made a small sound with my peg leg until you decided to chop my head off with your axe under your pillow. Like seriously is it that fun to kill me because of one small sound.

Astrid just laughed even more and her daughter joined in because that story happened when she was 2 and that was a memory she would never forget.

Hiccup sat up and saw that his daughter started laughing like her mother.

H: Just Like Her Mother.


Hope you liked it!

See Ya Later Dragon Riders!


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