The Dark Time! (Part 1)

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Summary: Hiccup is the Fish-bone of Berk High, no body loved or even liked him except his parents and his dog named Toothless. But although everything seemed terrible for him, he still had something to hope for: Love! Hiccup during his high school years has fallen in love with the most beautiful girl that ever walked the halls of Berk High: Astrid Hofferson. Unlike, other girls Astrid is strong, talented, beautiful, less girlish and so much more. The problem is Hiccup loves Astrid, but she doesn't love him back she like everybody else hates him, but differently: She only looks at him being picked on by other students she however never did anything to him except ignore him. What will Hiccup do to let her love him?

Modern AU.

Hiccup and Astrid are not dating......................Yet!



Hiccup started his day at Berk High with no excitement at all shown, he knew what would happen between him and the kids, they will bully him even though he's the mayor's son, yes you are probably wondering: Why doesn't he tell his parents about him getting bullied? Well you see as mayor and mayor's wife they have lots of work to do, Hiccup didn't want to add more weight on their shoulders.

So, like everyday: he enters the school building and the first thing that happens is the usual from the following list:

* People look at him with death glares.

*Comments are made like: 

"Oh look its the Fishbone"

"Useless is back"

"Like seriously can he just get out of our lives"

*People would laugh at how week he is*

*People would try to trip him or knock down his books .

Yup! Sweet educational environment isn't it? But Hiccup is use to this stuff, it does upset him, but not so much, nope he was known around the school this way. He walked towards his locker and so he can get the books he needs for the day the bullying not stopping even for a second. 

????????: Hey fishbone!

Hiccup didn't bother guessing who that was because that was the sound of his own cousin who was Hiccup's biggest bully in the entire school. Yeah I know: Why type of cousin would do that, but to be honest there are cousins like that in the real world, but Snotlout-Hiccup's cousin- is the worst bully possible. He was Hiccup's bully since Kinder Garden, great right, note the sarcasm.

Hiccup got his books from his locker and walked away from Snotlout not wanting any trouble in the morning although he knew what was going to happen, he didn't care though he just walked away, to his surprise this happened:

S: Ha! Do you see that? Hiccup Useless Haddock is running away to cry in his mommy's arms, what a baby am I right? HEY USELESS DON'T THINK YOU WILL GET AWAY THAT EASILY BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY YOUR TORTURE TIME DURING RECESS!!!!!!!

And so the day continues with the bullying, yes he got beaten up, but let me tell you something that might change the way you are looking at this story right now: As you can read- not see- Hiccup is getting bullied day after day minute after minute and the only thing that Hiccup ever liked in the school was not only the teaching and especially art, no he had his mind set on someONE special:

Astrid 'Fearless' Hoffereson

The prettiest, most talented, know what I am not going to bother going through the whole list, lets just say she was everything great on this school. Hiccup loved that girl so much that he wished she would like him back............WRONG!!!!! Astrid doesn't like Hiccup at all she hates him while students despise him, she never says anything about him and she also does nothing to him, all she does is either send a glare of just stare at him when he walks by.

The thing is today's date is one that Hiccup wishes never existed, why you ask? 

Because the date is: March 14 

What is so bad about this day? What made Hiccup want to forget about it? What made him want to ONLY THINK about committing suicide?

Well take a wild guess:




















It was the day Astrid ruined his life!

Yes, the story began in the same date, but when Hiccup was 10, he tried to ask Astrid out on a small party happening in school for the primaries, but when he did ask her this happened:

H: Hey Astrid, I was wondering if you would-

A: If I would what loser? Go with you to the party? *Laughs as well as other students* You really think I would go with someone like you, you are nothing but a pathetic fishbone that should have never existed.

Her words broke his heart and after 10 years he still couldn't get that memory out of his head, and he thought that it would stay like that until his final breath. But continue reading so that you can find some bad and good news lurking in the story behind Hiccup Haddock and Astrid Hofferson. 


Hey Guys, 

Sorry I haven't been uploading much, my laptop- the device I use to write my stories- is not working so now I have to use my moms laptop, but don't worry I will try to upload more chapter/one-shots.

 I just need some time, can you give me that?


Hope you liked it.

See Ya Later Dragon Riders!


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