What If?

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Summary: What if Astrid did tell Hiccup about her plan with Heather? What is Hiccups reaction?

Idea suggested by: LilaLove2906

Hiccup and Astrid are not dating

Takes place in RTTE



Author's POV:

Astrid flew back to the edge on Stormfly, going over Heather's plan on stopping the dragon hunters. She wanted to tell Hiccup, but Heather says not to because he would get too clingy at the plan and it could end up going wrong.

Astrid wasn't going to keep her promise, Heather may be her friend, but Astrid trusts that Hiccup would understand. She believes in him, he may start saying plans against the girls' plan, but Astrid couldn't hide something like this from him.

She flew back to the edge with the pros and cons balancing out in her mind, in the end, she agreed with herself to tell him. She saw the edge up ahead and saw Hiccup heading inside his own hut. She told Stormfly to land next to the Night Fury rider and the dragon complied.

Hiccup turned around at Stormfly's familiar squak and saw Astrid on top her looking a bit hesitant. Hiccup waited until Astrid came off of Stormfly and turned towards him, he then asked her: "Astrid where have you been? You can't just go disappearing in the cold like that."

Astrid looked down and answered him: "Hiccup.. I left because... Well... I had to meet someone..." Hiccup stared at Astrid with confusion and shock at Astrids saying and when she mentioned someone else.

Astrid looked around the two dragon riders then gestured to head inside Hiccups hut, the Night Fury rider followed her suspiciously. Toothless and Stormfly followed behind their riders and closed the door after all four of them were in.

Hiccup looked at Astrid patiently as she had her back towards him, to say he was confused was an understatement, he's never seen Astrid this nervous, so whatever she wanted to say must be truly serious.

Astrid took a deep breath, Stormfly nudging her riders shoulder reassuringly to which the blonde smiled softly at. Astrid turned towards Hiccup and spoke out loud: "ThepersonIwasmeatingwasHeather!"  She spat out quickly and all Hiccup understood was the name 'Heather' which made his eyes widen slightly.

"Heather?" He questioned.

Astrid then sighed and explained the whole situation to Hiccup who stood there patiently taking in every word. She told him about her meeting with Heather, how the black haired girl was on their side and how they both made plan, Hiccup couldn't believe his ears.

After Astrid explained everything to her friend, she looked down and spoke sadly: "Please don't be upset, I wasn't even supposed to tell you this, Heather wanted me to keep it a secret, but I didn't want to lie to you Hic..." She finished as her eyes found interest at the wooden floors of Hiccups hut.

Hiccup took a minute to let everything sink in before speaking to the blonde:" I see... So Heather is on our side... Hey, Astrid...Look at me. " Astrid looked up meeting her blue eyes with green ones.

"I understand why Heather wouldn't have wanted me to know, but I'm glad you told me. I understand that I may be clingy or too serious about these things, but you did the right thing coming to me. I'm proud of your decision and trust me, I'm not upset... Look, you and Heather continue with your plan alright?" He told her with a small smile.

Astrid looked at him in shock and froze where she stood. Hiccup walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders smiling at the viking before him. He stared into her deep blue eyes as hers reflected his green ones. He continued speaking:

"This plan must seem really important and from what I've heard it could actually help us... I'm glad you told me, and I promise I won't interfere whatsoever. Astrid, I believe in you, I trust you know what you're doing, I won't be upset at your decisions. You and Heather continue your plan and I'll be here for you...I'll admit, I'm scared of whatever consequence we might face, but I trust you. You're a strong, brave and amazing viking Astrid, I know you'll be able to do this, but please do be careful, alright... M'lady? "

Astrid stared at Hiccup with eyes glassy with frozen tears that shes forcing to stay in. She was hesitant, but soon found herself wrapping her shaky arms around the auburn haired viking in front of her as she buried her face in his shoulder, gratitude filling her up as she smiled finally at peace from knowing she wouldn't have to hide such a secret from her trusted friend.

Hiccup seemed a bit shocked but immediately hugged her back, a smile painted on his face as well as he buried himself within her blonde locks, his hands stroking both the blondes hair and her back as his insides filled with relief and peace at her telling him the truth.

Hiccup believes in her, he knows Astrid is strong, brave and will be able to pull it off. She's going to be okay, he's sure. This is the girl he fell in love with, a beautiful, fearless girl that has made his love for her grow even bigger with every passing second.

The riders stood there, smiles on their faces, hugging each other whilst their dragons have a conversation of their own:

Stormfly: They sure are adorable aren't they?

Toothless: Yup, but I can't wait for the day they both just confess their feelings already -_-.

Stormfly: Love is patience Toothless, give them time.

Toothless: Its been 3 years!!

Stormfly:... I'm sure they'll be dating soon buddy, just wait.

Toothless: Or Hiccup will be too scared and Astrid would be the man in the relationship.

Stormfly:... That is a possibility in your perspective, but no

Toothless: You want to bet who will tell they love the other first?

Stormfly:....... Yeah, sure why not?

Toothless: I mean between the two of us...

Stormfly: O/////O

Toothless: I win ^w^

Stormfly: I hate you! >/////<

Toothless: Love you too Stormy <3

And Hiccup and Astrid totally missed the kiss shared between the dragons and Hiccup totally didn't just win a bet against Astrid.... Absolutely not....

Okay maybe yes...


Hope you liked it.

See Ya Later Dragon Rider's!


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