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Summary: While the riders were on the Snow Mountain, the storm separates them into pairs. The Snow Wraith comes in and Astrid gets really cold. Hiccup tried his best to help her and to find the others.

It was suggested to me a very long time ago (I'm very sorry I didn't write it till now) by a user who (for some reason) I am unable to find the comment. But if you read this, just know it belongs to you.

Hiccup and Astrid are not dating.

Takes place during RTTE Season 1 episode (When they first me the Snow Wraith)



Astrid's POV:


I gasped, feeling the whole bottom half of my body buried in a pile of snow, frozen. Unable to move my legs, I reached my hands out to the figure before me, feeling their arms grab my elbows, pulling me out and holding me close to a warm chest.

But suddenly, it was too hot, I wanted to go back to the cold, I couldn't take the heat that surrounded me, it stabbed through my veins as I clutched to the figure who helped me out desperately. My whole body shook and even though I was too hot, I saw a cloud of cold coming from my shaky breathes.

"Astrid? Stay with me, it'll be okay." I heard someone whisper by my ear as darkness surrounded us. It covered above us, not allowing the snow to hit us. It was soon accompanied by a burning light next to us, warming up the cold atmosphere we were surrounded in. I couldn't think straight, I wasn't able to guess where the warmth came from. All I knew is that we weren't safe for long.

"Astrid?" The figure called out: "Can you hear me?"

I couldn't muster a full sentence and slowly nodded my head, hearing them sigh as they clutched me closer.

The more I stayed in their arms, I felt better. Warmer, safer.

"Astrid, stay awake, alright? We'll be okay soon, just stay with me."


I relaxed in his arms, getting closer, if possible, reassuring him I wasn't going anywhere. I heard him sigh in relief as he hugged me tight, the burning warmth surrounding us.

And I closed my eyes...

Hiccup's POV:

I opened my eyes to see Toothless and Stormfly above me, their wings out, covering me from the snowstorm outside, their fire still keeping me warm from the cold.

I look in my arms to see Astrid, her lips blue and her skin pale.

Her eyes were closed.

Panic filled me up as I sat up straight away and pulled her away from me slightly, keeping close to the fire. I quickly checked her breathing, searching for the slightest of sounds to make sure she was alive.

"Please be alive, please be okay." I mumbled to myself: "Stay with me Astrid, stay with me."

When I thought all hope was lost, she let out a breath.

I sighed deeply in relief: "Thank Thor... Oh, thank Thor."

I hugged her tight, making sure she's still warm. Yet I worried that the gang was in danger, I hope they didn't get into any trouble with the Snow Wrath and that their dragons were still with them.

Toothless let out a small grown before making the fire stronger than before as he let out some more flame. Stormfly looked up and shot a spark high into the snowstorm, sending out a signal, as if she knew what I was thinking of.

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