The Happy Time (Final Part of The Dark Time)

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*Leaves the room*


The sun came up one cheerful morning, birds were chirping, sun is shining, clouds making some shade, students going to their school to continue their educational lives, parents bidding their dearies good luck and good bye, but on that particular morining was the day Hiccup Haddock will go back to school with his wonderful girlfriend.

That's right! Hiccup and Astrid have become one adorable couple and Hiccup's life couldn't get any better: Students at school stopped bullying him, Snotlout now acted like a true friendly cousin, the city is happy to have Hiccup up and about and are more than thankful for a great future mayor.

Sure Hiccup may have some difficulties with becoming mayor some day, but he knows that he will surely have great help from the people he loves, his parents weren't going to leave him do all this alone and they understnad that Hiccup first needs to finish his senior year and go to college first and when he's ready, he shall rule with pride.

Hiccup and Astrid enjoyed each others company, ever since the day at the hospital, Astrid nnever left his side and they kept talking to each other, expressing what they feel to each other (Which Astrid felt bad about the bullying) and Astrid still kept telling him everything happening around Berk, I mean he is the future mayor after all. They also talked about their love for each other that there was a lot of tomato faces getting revealed in that room, but eother way they were happy to have each other and made a vow to never make the other feel what Hiccup felt during his whole past bullied life.

The students made sure to apolagize that they even made a Sorry party one day to Hiccup's surprise that he even cried, but all of it was Snotlout's idea which Hiccup thanked him a lot for and the school were really happy to have their amazing and smart auburn haired students back where he shall never face saddness again.

When Hiccup's parents, however, heard of the bullying let's just say that the Haddock's had a 3 hour talk about how Hiccup should have told them and how they could have helped and talked to the students about the situation, but Hiccup honestly thought that his father would rather scream a speech other than say it calmly which Stoick said would have been true. Let's say that the Haddock's only kept private secrets from each other ever since that talk.

Life has never been better for everyone and Berk has never been happier, but most of all remember that what ever problem you have could always be cured with the help of the people you love either friends or family, never be ashamed of what you have done, we make mistakes, what's important is that we learn from them and keep moving on.

That was the lesson Hiccup and Astrid learnt along with the knoledge of knowing that no matter what you would always have someone that loves you for who you are.

The End!


Hope you liked it.

So what do you think, was it horrible, bad, good or amazing?

Let me know in the comments below.

And rememeber the lesson learnt in this story help you with your own personal life.

Note: I am still waiting for votes on the next story that I should create so I will be waiting for you guys.

But that's all for now:

See Ya Later Dragon Riders!


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