Truth Or Dare (Whatever happens is entirely the fault of those who commented)

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Meral (Me, the author): Hey yall! It's me and yes, I know; I haven't updated in forever...But today! I have the gang with me:

Hiccup: Hello!

Astrid: Hi.

Snotlout: Hey~

Meral: *Hits the back of Snotlout's head*

Snotlout: HEY!

Meral: Much better :)

Fishlegs: Hello there!

Ruffnut: Hey look, we got people who like to blow stuff up!

Tuffnut: Where?! I wanna meet 'em! We can let them join the cult!

Hiccup: No one is joining anyone's cult.

Meral: But whyyyyyy QwQ. Hiccup you're no fun.

Hiccup: And you're not mature.

Meral: Okay and? I don't care! TwT

Astrid: Are we gonna do some truths or dares or can I go back to murdering Snotlout?

Meral: Right! Thank you for reminding me why we are all here in the first place!

Astrid: Are you-

Meral: Okay, there's a truth. The person didn't specifically say to who this truth was for but I'm guessing it's for me.

Truth from KennyMelon

"What was a random thing you did when you were a child or a teenager?"

Meral: Hmm...*Vietnam Flashbacks*

Hiccup: Just from how long she's thinking you can tell she did lots of random things.

Tuffnut: Why else do you think she's part of our cult?

Hiccup: Wait, wha-

Meral: OH! I remember one random thing I do that my friends question a lot: I smell the food before I eat it. I don't know why but I always like to smell the food that I love before eating it, like chocolate for example! Of course, I don't do it with ALL foods, just certain snacks like granola bars, popcorn, etc...

Hiccup: I was expecting worse.

Fishlegs: I mean, at least it's not smelling something that you know for a fact is gross.

Astrid: Like how Snotlout smells his feet?

Snotlout: Shut up, Astrid.


Dare from KennyMelon

"To pick gunk out of Snotlout's toes."

Astrid: And, my lunch is in my throat.

Hiccup: Oh Gods...

Tuffnut: *Evil laugh* You thinking what I'm thinking?

Ruffnut: Ohohohooo yes >:)

Meral: Oh boy...

Snotlout: WHY ME?!.....AAAHHHH-


*Awkward silence*

Hiccup: Sometimes I wish we weren't friends with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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