The Unexpected Time (Part 4 of The Dark Time)

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Don't even think about it!


The doctors and nurses that were working for Hiccup worked liked speed stingers trying to save him, the poor future mayor got hurt badly since the car was going quickly and hit him with great force.

Unfortunately, Hiccup's parents were in the waiting room with Valka crying and praying for her only son while Stoick was trying his best to calm her down, as for the far end corner of the waiting room sat Astrid who was crying.....

Yes! Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson is crying over the man that saved her pet from a force that could have died since she was not strong enough to take such a hit. The more she thinks about her love to him, the more she got upset, she couldn't take it that she wanted to leave, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Time Skip!


The entire city was in grief of their future mayor, even the students were sad and have started to think back over what they did and have come to realize how amazing of a person Hiccup is and that they were deeply sorry for all the hell they have put him through.

Astrid went back to the hospital every day after school and stayed at the hospital until the end of visiting times, she would tell him about everything happening in school and how everyone wants him to wake up so they can apologize for what they have done, he indeed was strong and brave to do something that got him put in the hospital. The thing is that Astrid was mostly sure Hiccup couldn't hear her at all and could just be in his own world wondering if people would call him weak because of his injuries, but boy, if he was he would be entirely wrong.

All the people wanted to see was a sign, a sign of movement even if it was the slightest twitch, they would just want to hear that from anyone, but of course, you are asking what if they lied, no one lied about anything happening to him right now, sure people like the twins lie about other things, but no one lied about any condition Hiccup was in not even his biggest bulliers.

Astrid sat, tears in her eyes, watching the person she secretly loves, his closed eyes that she was hoping to open up.

A: Hiccup.........I-I don't know if you can hear me, but........please I want you to open those eyes of forest green or even just give me a sign, I don't want to lose hope.

She stood up and sat on his bed next to him still in tears.

A: The hiccup I know would never give up like this.....I know how much you hated how bad people treated you, but they are sorry...I am sorry and...I need you, you helped me that night and I realized how blind I have been and I have realized that I never hated you. Please, Hiccup, come back, come back to your parents who miss you dearly...come back to the students who regret every bad thing they did to you...

Soon she said the following words:

A: Come back to me.............I don't know if you feel the same way, but...........

I Love You!

Following these 3 words she bent down to his lips and placed her with his, fireworks EXPLODING inside of her, she never felt more alive, she now has put all her worries away and felt the new feeling called: Love!

But a few second later she felt as if Hiccup was kissing her back and indeed he was.

They pulled away and Astrid saw those mesmerizing forest green eyes that she has longed to see the past 2 weeks.

I Love You Too!


Hey guys,

Sorry I didn't upload in forever, I just moved countries and I have arrived, but I am staying in my uncles house until mine is ready. I am no longer living in UAE/Dubai, I am now living in Turkey/Istanbul in an apartment and I have already started school this week which starts on Monday and Ends on Friday.

But I will try to upload more and hey there is only one more part for this one- five-shot I guess you can say.

But for now,

Hope you liked it.

See Ya Later Dragon Riders!


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