The Sad Time (Part 3 of The Dark Time)

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Pain and guilt!

That was all Astrid could feel.

She never knew or even thought this would happen to the person that wanted to help her and her pet Stormfly, she thought he was no body, that he dealt with all the bullying greatly, but she was wrong, he felt pain and sadness everyday that he would:










Push a running pet (Stormfly) from getting hit by a car in the middle of the road.


A: Please, can you give me and Stormfly some shelter for the night?

H: O....of....course, I mean, I wouldn't want you to freeze to death now would I? Even if you never really liked m-

Stormfly got extremely frightened and ran away scared for her life, Astrid ran after her shouting for Stormfly to stop and come back while Hiccup and Toothless ran after both of them, Toothless was running right next to Hiccup while hsi owner was a few meters away from Astrid.

Suddenly, a car's horn sounded, which Astrid didn't hear since she was all on Stormfly, but Hiccup being completely protective of the person he loves, even if she never loved him back, ran even faster, Toothless behind, and grapped Astrid's arm pulling her back. Astrid fell backwards and was about to yell at Hiccup for doing that, but all she saw was the auburn-haired young man pushing Stormfly away and getting hit by the car honking.

Astrid's breath caught itself before saying a word, Toothless stopped for a few seconds to take in what just happened then ran to his motionless owner, and Stormfly got up to check on Hiccup as well, feeling extremely guilty of what she had caused.

The driver got out of the car to reveal Snotlout!


Now Astrid was with Hiccup and Snotlout in the ambulance truck getting to the hospital at spped stinger speed, but also being careful since it's still storming outside.

Snotlout kept sulking and begging his cousin to open his eyes:

'Why did I listen to my dad and ignore Hiccup, what was wrong with me, he didn't deserve this, I would switch places with him right now, if it wasn't for my father I would have never been so mean to him' Was all Snotlout could thing of.

He never meant any harm to his cousin, it was all his father telling him to save his reputation.

Astrid had the 2 pets on her lap, Stormfly was quite and sad and she was still feeling guilty, Toothless was extremely depressed and just kept hoping for his owner to open his eyes, the dog kept licking his owners hand just to see if there will be any movement shown.

As for Astrid she was crying hard, she has been mean to him her whole life and today all he did was good things for her and her health, and what did she gove him? Ignorance!

He never deserved any of this and Astrid knew it, she wished that she could repeat time and change all that happened, she wanted to start over and be his friend, but somewhere inside of her was a feeling, a feeling that she wanted to change her future.

It was love, Astrid has liked Hiccup, but now she loves him and would want nothing more than for him to tell her that he felt the same way, but of course after all she has done was be an idiot to him, he would never go for someone like her.

Sooner or later they arrived at the hospiatal and Hiccup was rushed to a doctor while the nurses called his parents knowing they would want to know about what happened to their poor son:

Hiccup Haddock!


Hope you liked it.

There are still 2 more parts for this story/one- no no it's  a five-shot.

But for now,

See Ya Later Dragon Riders!


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