Chapter 6 A True Vampire Woman

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June 20th 1747


A phoenix would be an understatement and discredit to the true Vampire woman that Serena had resurrected into. I watched her at night as she walked across the roof of the school in her point shoes. I watched her beat the crap out of the girls during sparring. She even swam across the lake.

"Any thoughts?" Serena ran a hand through her thick, Italian hair that smelt of flowers.

"You are certainly getting there." I leaned my shoulder against the wall as Serena began dancing again. I watched her body move with grace as she spun on point, her dark hair whipping around her.

She came to a stop and smiled at me. "No tips." There was glint in her eye that I had first thought was fire. I had come to know it as power. She had a power over me that I couldn't explain, nor control.

I smiled. "You don't need any." It was the truth.

Serena sauntered towards me; somehow she had grown even taller since she arrived. "Oh come on Xave," She looked up at me through her long eyelashes. "I'm sure there are some things I can work on."

I tried to look anywhere but at her eyes. She'd suck me in.

I didn't have time to say anything as her lips crushed against mine. She wound her fingers in my hair and pressed her body against mine so I could escape her intoxicating embrace.

The doors to the room opened and the next class flooded in. Serena didn't care and if anything kissed harder. Not that I minded.

The instructor coughed to get our attention and Serena pulled away. She gave me a wink before leaving the room. I gave the instructor a shrug. That was one dangerous woman.


Nothing pissed me off more then a class intruding on my privacy. Participants in the tournament took lessons alone and trained alone. It was a handy set up.

I decided to continue my training in a room on the third floor. It had a spectacular view. I dropped my bag on the floor and dropped to the floor to do one hundred push ups. I then proceeded to do one hundred sit-ups and then one hundred pull-ups. I warmed down with some stretches. Looking in the floor to ceiling mirror I admired by toned figure and symmetrical features. I truly was a beautiful flower, but in an instead I could bite like a serpent. I wasn't egotistic, I was simply confident in my own being.

The light flooding the room shone orange as the sun began to set. I practically skipped my way out of the room. I went to the barracks and changed into my trousers before bounding outside in the fading light. During this time of year it was far better to exercise outside rather than inside. And plus, I lived for the night.

I sped across the grassy earth, tearing it up in my wake. I did a couple of laps around the lake before climbing up the main school building to sit on the roof. I braced my hands on my knees, taking in the stars filling the sky. My thoughts wandered to what would happen when I left. I was curious to know what had changed in the world and how I would fit into the world. To be honest with myself missed my brothers. I felt like I had been so important in their lives, and I had just deserted them. I would have to make time to visit them after I got out.

I eventually scaled down the building and headed back inside. I spent a good couple of hours playing violin, piano and cello. I then lay down to sleep beside Xavier.

I jumped out of bed considerably early. I didn't give Xavier a glance as I changed and went for another run. I was already outside doing push-ups when he arrived with his class for a lesson.

I leapt to my feet to join the class.

"Every pair up." Swords were handed out.

I clutched mine in my hand confidently. "I challenge you." I spoke to Xavier.

He quirked an eyebrow, "You are confident."

Together we stepped inside the drawn ring, swords drawn.

I swung first. Xavier blocked my blow with ease, stepping forward to lash out.

I stepped back and my sword clinked against his. I was loosing. I stepped forward and managed to slash a cut across his upper arm. Xavier retaliated and slashed my leg. I stepped back and he kicked my hand. He then grabbed my sword, tripping me over. I fell out of the ring and he held both swords crossed at my neck.

I was furious, and embarrassed. I was a great swordswoman now. But Xavier was a spectacular swordsman.

He offered me his hand and I swatted it away.


I walked away from Xavier. I stopped beside Alexandra to see Lyra and Morgan laughing. They were the girls chosen from my class to participate in the tournament and I hated them.

"They couldn't do any better." Alexandra tried to comfort me.

"It doesn't matter." I looked to her. "I'm gonna kill them."

For the rest of the class I threw knives and axes.

"What she doing?" I asked Alexandra. I threw knives while I had my eyes trained on an Indian girl sitting on the grass with her palms on her knees.

"I think its called Meditating." Alexandra replied.

"Meditating..." I tried to recall what I knew of the art. I that came to my mind was Tibetan monks. I hated not knowing things.

I stopped throwing knives and walked over to the girl. "Teach me how to meditate."   

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