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Hello there :)

This is my first work and may contain errors so please don't hesitate to point out and positive criticism is accepted to improve my writing skills.

I dedicate this book for all those battling with mental illnesses. For those struggling to make it through another day and wanting to give up.
Your reading this and your alive and you know what? That's amazing!
I'm proud of you. This endless battle you are fighting will end soon , you'll be out of this dark tunnel soon so don't you dare loose hope even if your thoughts scream at you that 'no one cares' because I do!

And this book is dedicated to all those dreamers out there ! I hope you achieve your dream and those whose passions and dreams where crushed by a single 'what would others think' or anything negative. Prove those asses wrong and show them what you are !


This book contains bullying, abuse , self harm and if you are triggered by any of these , please do not read further .

This Is a work of my own , my own ideas so please do not steal it.

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