Please Read !

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Things you shouldn't say to a person suffering with social anxiety disorder or SAD.

1) why are you so quite.

It's makes them really uncomfortable that you made them the centre of attention and there is no 'correct answer to your damn question!'

Instead you could talk to them about their passions or ask open ended questions and indulge them in a conversation not out.

2)You're just shy and you don't have SAD or it's not a mental illness

Shyness is a personal trait. A person who is shy doesn't have negative thoughts , they enjoy reading a book rather than going out. And mostly it doesn't ruin their life.

Whereas SAD is a mental illness. You're afraid of being judged. You have negative thoughts. You want friends but you're afraid to start a conversation. You're afraid you're clingy in a relationship etc.

3)You were shaking while saying your speech

They 'obviously' know that & you just threw a flaw in their face which they would think over and over again getting embarrassed.

Just because they are afraid of conversing doesn't mean they like being alone. They want company and friends who accept them. Loneliness makes them depressed so here are
Things you can do to help them

1)If you are in a relationship which someone suffering from SAD

They need reassurance that you still love them .
If they ask you over and over again that you still love them please don't get mad or show annoyed faces because their afraid they aren't good enough or are clingy or you might walk away from them so please keep giving reassurance.

2) if you are friends with someone having SAD

If they ask you to order , please do . it means a lot to them. Pay for them too because sometimes we keep checking the money over and over before giving.  They have hard time picking up calls or texting . they have panic attacks when in a crowded place
Help them in a situation they are socially uncomfortable and please don't get annoyed at them.


SAD legit ruined my life so please if u have anyone out there please please please help them not lower their confidence.

And updates will be slower cuz my uni is starting soon

And thanks for all the votes and comments . if means a lot <3 xoxo

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