Chapter 5

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Leigh's P.O.V

I half ran through the corridors focusing on reaching my English class rather than the stares and loud chattering . Do I regret staying up late watching Netflix ? Not really , I needed answers to the cliffhangers not sleep ! Do I regret now ? Sadly yes.

I panted as I pushed the door open and entered the class only to faced with my classmates staring at me as if I murdered someone.

"Well Ms Parker why are you late?"
The teacher asked momentarily looking away from the board and smiled .

"S-sorry sir" I mumbled and looked down embarrassed

"I hope it won't be repeated . Please take a seat Leigh."

I nodded and scurried towards my desk pulling out my books and started taking notes.

After a while he announced an upcoming research.

"Listen up class , you all will be given research work which is to be done in pairs . You can choose any novel and work on at least 7 of the topics I'll give out now." 

He cleared his throat and continued. 

 "Gender roles , Comparisons between genres , Historical background, Politics , Religion , Comparisons between two characters . Criticism , Symbolism , Allusions within this novel and Comparisons between two novels.  And since there is still 10 minutes left , you can choose your partners and start discussing ." With that he sat down behind his desk , pushing his glass above his nose and silently started reading a book.

I groaned mentally as soon as everyone begin to shuffle around and sat opposite to their pairs . I still hadn't moved a muscle , instead I took my notes and started random doodling to keep my inner panic at bay. Being too engrossed doodling I didn't notice someone pulling the opposite chair and sitting down.

"Can I be your partner." He asked snapping his fingers near my face.

I tensed momentarily before looking up to see Noah's blue eyes staring expectedly down at me. 

I nodded unsure how to reply without stuttering and embarrassing myself and resumed my doodling.

"Great!" He exclaimed and showed his pearly whites.

"So umm ,we can get started on it this weekend ?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck showing his nervousness. 

How can you not fall for that cute smile . 

I smiled and answered ; "S-sure at y-your p-place?" 

A flicker of fear flashed through his eyes , so small that I could have not noticed if I blinked .

A nervous laugh escaped his lips . "At yours please? Or the library would do too."

I refrained from frowning and kept a neutral expression . "L-library w-would do."

He nodded and got up picking up his bag and pulling it over his right shoulder as the bell rang ; Walking away he turned back and waved a goodbye and flashed a charming smile . 

I smiled and waved back looking away to pack my bag as a blush creeped up on my cheeks. 

I headed out the class and walked through the hallways towards my next class as a firm grip pulled me backwards and slammed me against the cold hard wall and her icy glare fell on my face showing pure hatred.

"Aren't you that little mute with Noah hmm?" She hissed and continued. "Stay the fuck away from him , you worthless piece of shit!"

I whimpered against her grasp and tried to pull away only to be pushed back against the wall with a loud thud.

"I know you can speak, answer me !" 

"He...he's not...into girls..." I harshly whispered with my eyes burning with tears and trembling hands.

She let out a laugh that truthfully that sounded like an evil witch . "That's where your wrong ! He's straight and I spread the rumors and waited for the perfect time , to keep him to myself! And here you are spoiling everything" She screeched .

"The fuck Jessica ? You spread the rumors ? We lost a valued member because of you're shitty rumor !" 

"Chill the fuck out Justin , I'll fix it." She replied stroking her arm on his to cool his anger making me nearly gag. 

He grapped her collar harshly and pulled her against him whispering in her ear making her shiver with his cold voice. "You better Jess , we don't want to loose any more matches do we?" 

She nodded as he let go of her and walked away to his 'Popular group'

I stepped back and rushed to one of the bathroom stalls and sat against the wall wiping my tears rather forcefully and took few deep breaths to stop my anxiety attack . I stayed there till the bell rang , not wanting to enter late in a class twice in a day.

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