Chapter 11

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Noah P.O.V

I had to be in the library at 3:00pm and it's now 3:30pm and stuck in traffic.
I groaned and honked the car again.

"Son of a good person." I muttered.

That's what my mother told , the alternative got a magazine thrown on my face. I smiled at the thought, she was one sassy woman.

After the slow moving traffic and me cursing all over the place still got me another 30 minutes late.

I parked the car and hopped down rushing towards the entrance and wandered aimlessly round the aisles hoping she hadn't left.

And then I saw her seated by the window, her green eyes engrossed in a novel not slightly aware of her surroundings. She looked breathtaking with her brown hair let down and wore a knee length floral dress.

I walked towards her and our eyes met and she smiled.

I gulped, "You're showing that sarcastic smile because you want to punch me in the face?"

She let out a soft laugh. "No."

I let out a breath of relief. "Thank you. I couldn't go around explaining a shorty bruised my pretty face."

She shook her head, the smile not leaving her face and took out her belongings and placed on the table and I did the same.

We divided our work and silently started our working.

After an hour we were done halfway through and that got me exhausted but she wasn't fazed and still held the determination to get the work done.

"Can we continue tomorrow please?"

"O-okay." She nodded

We both packed our things and got outside the building.

"Since I was an hour late, I want to make it up to you. There's this new ice-cream shop nearby and it's amazing."

"It's g-getting late. I s-should head h-home."

"Oh." The smile fell off my face and I nodded and turned away heading towards my car.

I didn't notice her catching up behind me until she spoke . "S-sorry , I'll come."

"Are you sure? I don't want to force you Leigh."

She nodded, "Sure."

We got into the car and I sped off to the shop and we reached within 15minutes.

I got down and rushed to her side opening the door for her and as she got down she shivered slightly due to the chilly night wind.

I removed my jacket and placed it over her shoulders, "Here,you need it."

"Thank you."

"No problem Leigh."

We headed inside the ice-cream parlour and stood looking at the various flavours.

"Which flavour ma'am?"

When I took a quick glance down at Leigh, her hands were trembling.

"We will let you know." I chimed in annoyed.

"Yes sir, take your time."

I placed my hands on hers giving a tight squeeze. "What do you want Leigh?"

She placed a finger on the mint ice cream.

I faked a gasp, "You just stole my order ! What are you Leigh? A mind reader?"

I tapped my finger on my forehead. "Can't have any dirty thoughts around you can I?"

"Noah!" She harshly whispered and playfully shoved my shoulder.

I laughed and turned towards the woman and ordered "We'll take two mint ice cream."

"One cup with two spoons sir? She smirked most probably getting me at my annoyed tone from earlier.

I face palmed as I felt my blood rush to my ears and Leigh's pale cheeks turned bright pink and she looked down.

I cleared my throat, "Two cups with two spoons." I said clearly emphasizing each word.

"Yes sir." And she took two cups and placed the scoops and added chocolate chips as the toppings and placed the two spoons and I stared at her the whole time so she doesn't mess up.

She handed our ice creams grinning and I pulled Leigh along with me outside.

"Let's eat in the car. That woman is damn creepy." 

She let out a soft laugh which was music to my ears. "I agree."

We sat on the hood of the car and ate in silence.

"So tell me about your story Leigh."


"You intrigue me and I'd like to know you better, that's how friendship works."

"Hmm I d-don't know from w-where to start."

"20 questions then?"

"Okay but I n-need to b-be home now. Tomorrow?"


(727 words)

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