Chapter 15

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"Could you explain to me what this reason is?!" I asked make fighting back more tears.

"Becaaause..." They all said at the same time.

"You're in the Wanted Wednesday flip!!!!!!" Tom yelled getting all excited. The receptionist from the desk came out from behind a cement pillar with the flip and started to laugh.

"Oh my god I hate all of you with a burning passion!!" I yelled smiling and laughing. They knew I wasn't being serious, I mean I was angry but mainly I thought it was funny.

"Well you're officially part of the group!" Jay yelled.

"Yeah we put Nareesha, Michelle, and Kelsye though something like this too." Max explained. "But hey at least you know we all like you! If we didn't we would've ignored you!" Max gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. After that I yelled 'col it Nath' because I could tell he didn't like that Max kissed my forehead. I hugged Nathan for a while and didn't want to let go. My mom called and I explained it all too her. She didn't find it too funny but she understood it was because they actually cared.

"Well when will you be home?" She asked me over the phone.

"Uhm I guess in 3 minutes." I said sadly. I really didn't want to leave. I glanced up at everyone and they were all a bit sad I had to go to. I mean we were all having fun goofing around but since I'm the 'baby' and still go to school I had to go.

"Ok I will se you then sweet heart." She hung up the phone and I slid mine into my pocket.

"Ok sorry boys but I have school tomorrow I have to go." I walked around and gave everyone a hug and they all went inside. But Nathan stayed out for a minute.

"So you aren't actually mad right?" He asked me honestly.

"No not at all, actually sort of happy. I mean for one... you aren't hurt! Plus I got to see you again, and I also feel like I actually belong with the group now." I explained to him.

"Ok good. Close your eyes." He instructed me.

"Uhm what?" I asked puzzled.

"Just close them." He laughed a little. I did as I was told then I heard the lobby door close. My eyes shot open and Nathan stood behind me laughing.

"Oh my god! I thought you left me! Stop with the joking!" I giggled.

"I'd never leave you, just messing around. Now close your eyes and turn back around." I did as I was told and I felt something small his the middle of my chest. "Ok, open." I loked down to see a necklace hanging around my neck. It was shaped like a heart and in the middle was a diamond.

"Nathan! I love it!" I threw my arms around his neck.

"Now whenever I'm in the UK and you're here there will always be a part of me with you, that is my heart."

"Nathan, that's the sweetest thing ever!" He hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.

"Ok I don't want to but I have to go! Goodnight, I love you!" I said to him.

"I love you too. Goodnight." I walked off to my car and he waited until I drove away. Once I got home it was around 10 o'clock. I went straight to bed. Not bothering to get changed or take my necklace off. Kicked of my boots and slipped out of my jacket then called it a night. The next day was monday and I seriously didn't want to go to school.

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