Chapter 48 - Live Today Like It's The Last Night

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"Calm down mom! It's perfectly legal! I'm 18 that's the law here!" My mom was extremely angry about the pictures in magazines, online and all over local news stations of me and Nathan from our night out last night.

"I don't care if it's legal! Do you know ho wmany of your friends parents have called me to tell me about this? No! You don't! Not only did you look trampy but the pictures of you dancing with Nathan are horribly innapropriate!" She was beyond pissed off.

"Mom! I'm eighteen stop! This is my life. We were just having fun! Did I hurt anyone? No! Not at all!"

"Just having fun? Kayla the town thinks you are a slut. Getting drunk and behaving in- that way," She hinted towards the pictures of me dancing with Nathan. "at the age of, just barely, eighteen is awful! I thought we raised you better then that."

"Mom! Think back to when you were my age. Granted you probably weren't drunk since it wasn;t legal over there at this age, but that's even worse! You were probably acting the same way I was last night but the only difference is, you were sober while you did it! Mom it was just for fun! I wont lie ok- it's going to happen again! It's what us adults do when we are young." I almost hung up on her. Then realized the tone I just used and what I had just said to my own mom. Who was dealing wiht a lot right now. "Oh my I-I- I'm sorry. No i shouldn't have snapped and you're my mom."

"I understand. Have fun. I love you." She sounded like she was about to cry.

"Mom no don't I love you." But it was to late the line went dead. A few minutes later I recieved a follow up text from my mom.

'Sorry about all that. Have fun sweety, it's your life. I just can;t get over the fact that my little baby is growing up. I love you baby girl<3 (:' He text cheered me up and let me know she wasn't still angry or crying. I went to find Nath. He was laying on the couch shirtless talking on the phone also.

"Alright mate I got to go Kayla is here- oh oh you want to talk to her? Oh god what are you going to say? Please don't- oh fine." He handed me the phone. "It's Max..."

"He- hello?" I studdured.

"Hey love. Alright Nathan's my little brother and as his 'older brother' so to speak I have to say what you did last night was awful-" I interupted him

"Yeah yeah! I just had this conversation with my mom can we just-" Then he cut me off.

"But as his close mate I have to say, congrats! Nathan officially has seen every side of you, and he got out your bad side." Although I couldn't see him I could tell that he winked or did some sort of gusture.

"Uh thanks? But I don't have a bad side. I have a I'm so drunk and I think this might look attractive side." I explained.

"It was damn attractive!" Nathan yelled from the back.

"Shut up!" I said jokingly. He chuckled.

"Alright I got to go now but have fun tonight! Go do it again! It becomes more fun with experience."

"That's what she said!" I laughed.

"Wow you fit in with us to much.."

"I know, it's almost scary! Ok I will let you go! Bye Maxikinz." I teased.

"Bye bitch." He teased back and we hung up. I tossed back the phone back to Nathan and headed to the kitchen.

"Babe... we need food." I stared into the fridge that had some milk and snacks in it. That's it. Nathan gave me a blank stare.

"I'm so used to my mum or dad doing this!"

"Well we live alone!!" We decided I would go out and get some groceries since apparently that's what the women do. Oh so stereotypical. While I was checking out I say some very familiar faces on the magazines. I mean it was me and Nathan. Me looking like a drunken idiot hanging on Nathan. Either because I was trying to look hot or I seriously just couldn't stand up. I came home with the groceries and cooked up some lunch... for me. I sat down next to Nath with a cheese quesadilla.

"Where's my lunch?" Nathan questioned.

"You know where the food is!" I said jokingly. He stared at me. "Fiiiiine." I handed over my plate to him so he could eat it and went back to the kitchen. I was laughing. "I hate you!" I didn't mean it at all.

"Hate you too! But wow you make good food!"

"Yeah? I also pick out good boyfriends." I flashed him a smile.

"Well I pick out good girlfriends." He replied back.

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