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Dear Julia,

It's been like six and a half years since I last saw you. You were my best friend in sixth grade art, and you made that class extremely fun for me, so thanks.

I think we stopped being friends because you moved away; I remember you telling me something about you living in group homes. I think that might have been one of the reasons you were a bit of a troublemaker. I hope everything's good now though.

You did something kind of crappy to me in science class that year that I've never been able to forget, and I think talking about it will help me get rid of this stupid irrelevant memory.

There was this kid in our class (who I still know today) that I had never talked to, but he was really cute. You knew I liked him, so one day when there was a lull in classwork, you dared me to ask him out. I said no, especially since I knew what his answer would be, but also because I was way too young to be dating.

You disregarded what I said and proceeded to ask him out for me after class. Then, you caught up to me and told me that he said no. Surprise, surprise.

That was kind of shady of you, no lie, but I didn't really care at the time. I was just annoyed that you didn't respect my decision. I got over it by the next day, and pretty much forgot. That is until one day at P.E. when the guy told everyone I asked him out and he laughed at me in front of our whole class.

To be honest, I didn't really care that much. I just got temporarily pissed and beat him at soccer, effectively embarrassing him, so we're all even I guess.

Anyway, I'm glad we had all those good times together. I hope you're doing well.



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