Chapter Three

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I stare at him. Medusa. My mother is a monster, hated by most. I turn away from Chiron and run, slowly picking up speed. I would have run all the way home if I hadn't bumped into two demigods. I turn back towards where I came, but Chiron is there. "Bailey, calm down." He says. "Calm down?" I yell. "Calm down?! My mother's a monster! I'm a monster!" One of the demigods, a blond girl with stormy gray eyes, takes my hand. "It's okay. After you've been here for a while, you'll come to realize that your parents don't define you." I calm down a little. The girl smiles at me. "I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena." The boy with her steps forward. He has dark hair and gorgeous green eyes. "I'm Percy, son of Poseidon." I wipe my eyes. I didn't realize I had been crying. "Hi." I say. Percy smiles at me. "Chiron, I want her on our team for capture the flag." I laugh a little. "I don't know much about sword fighting." I say. "Don't worry," Annabeth says. "If you stick with us you'll be fine." I pull my hand away from Annabeth. "No. No, I-I can't. I don't want to hurt anyone." Annabeth looks sympathetic. "You won't hurt anyone. You can't hurt anyone unless you mean to." I nod, but I'm still nervous. "C'mon, let's go to dinner." Percy says. I let Annabeth and Percy lead me to the dining pavilion. "You have to sit with the Hermes table until we know who your father is. Meet us after dinner for capture the flag." Annabeth says. Percy goes to sit at his table with a big guy with one eye, a Cyclops, and Annabeth sits with her brothers and sisters at the Athena table. I sit at the most crowded table. We get our food, scrape a portion into the fire for the gods, then sit back down. The girl next to me seems friendly. "Hi, I'm Ryan, daughter of Hermes." I smile. "Hi, I'm Bailey, daughter of unknown." She laughs. "Do you at least know your mortal parent?" I nervously twirl my streak around my finger. "Um, yeah. Yeah, I do." Ryan looks at me expectantly. "Who is it?" Without thinking, I pull on the streak. "Oh, no. Don't look at me!" I cry. Ryan, the idiot, takes my face in her hands and turns my eyes to hers. "No! Stop!" I yell, but it's too late. Ryan is stone. Conversation in the dining hall stops completely. I grab her wrist and wait for her to return. As soon as she's human again, she jumps away from me. "What's wrong with you?" I jump off the bench. "Medusa." I say softly. Then I take off. I dash into the woods and sit against a tree. Then I let it all loose. I rest my head against the bark and sob.

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