Chapter Nine

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I brace myself for for the bullet, but it never comes. I open my eyes. Dylan has knocked down Caloses and is holding the gun to his forehead. "No one hurts her." he says hoarsely. Caloses laughs manically. "You can't do it." Dylan loads the bullet. The guards each pull out a gun. I feel so helpless, tied here. I grunt in frustration. "Shoot me. I don't care." The guards shift their guns. Every single one is pointed at me. I focus. A fissure opens in the ground and four skeletal warriors climb out and pin the guards to the wall. A smaller one comes out and unties me. I grab one of the guards' fallen guns. The skeletons crawl back in and I shoot the guards. Dylan turns back to Caloses, who is no longer smiling. "Goodbye." Dylan says. He fires the bullet between Caloses's eyebrows. He turns to me. I'm barely standing. The combination of my already weak state and the summoning of the soldiers has left me drained. I'm about to faint, but Dylan catches me. He scoops me in his arms and we run. We burst outside. I have no idea where we are. Dylan looks like death. He's ghostly pale, and his bruises stick out. He trips, and we go down. I sprawl on the grass next to him. This is where we will die. I look at him. He gasps for air. "I'm sorry Bailey." He says. I seem to feel every single wound Caloses inflicted. I take his hand. I meet his eyes. I hear people around us. If we die, I'm glad to die with him. 

I must have passed out because when I open my eyes again, I'm in the Big House. Dylan lies next to me. His injuries look better. "Bailey?" I look to my other side. Nico, Annabeth, Percy, and Chiron are all at my bedside. Nico is crying. "Oh my gods, Bailey. When you disappeared I-I just-" He buries his head in Annabeth's shoulder. "I'm okay." I say. "You have three broken ribs, a broken ankle, serveral whip scars, and a lot more." Percy says. "Dylan?" I ask. "He-he's gonna be okay." Annabeth says. "But...Bailey, he's a traitor." I struggle to sit up. "No! He's not! You have to listen to me! Please, Caloses-" Chiron eases me back down. "Sh, Bailey. You need to rest. Now, tell us what happened." I tell the story, from when Dylan kidnapped me to when I passed out outside Caloses's warehouse. Chrion listens intently. "Well, if Dylan wasn't lying, he sounds innocent." I nod, and sink back onto the bed. "You have to let him stay." I say. Chiron strokes his beard. "I suppose." I close my eyes, and sleep.

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