Chapter Four

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After about an hour, after Annabeth and Percy have coaxed me out, I stand at the edge of the woods in Greek battle armor. I'm on Annabeth and Percy's team, along with Vick, Percy's friend, Grover, and Percy's half brother Tyson (the Cyclops). Mr. D and Chiron stand in front of our crowd. "The rules are very simple: first team to capture the other's banner and bring it to their territory wins, no purposeful maiming, the flag must be in plain sight, no more than two guards, and the creek is the border line." Chiron says. "Ready?" The teams roar. "GO!!" We take off. "Bailey!" Annabeth calls. I follow her. We have too many pursuers. I feel something building in my gut. "Annabeth!" I yell. She dashes to my side. I cave in, clutching my arms to my stomach. "Bailey?" I throw my arms out. A huge wave of blackness bursts from me. It swirls around me and Annabeth. "Black magic." She murmurs. "What?" Clarisse, the head counselor of Ares comes forward, trying to touch it. She recoils immediately. "Go!" Annabeth yells. "It will travel with you." I take off. "Annabeth? Bailey?" I hear Percy behind us. "Just follow!" Annabeth yells. I spot the flag. "How do I stop this?" I yell. "I don't know!" Annabeth yells. Call it good luck or bad luck, but at that moment I collapse and the power stops. Percy scoops me in his arms and Annabeth grabs the flag. "Go Percy!" He starts running. "I'm okay!" I yell. Percy sets me down. I run as fast as I can. We're just about to cross the boundary to our territory when the enemies advance. I turn. "Go!" I yell. Annabeth stops. "GO!" I yell. I turn. I focus hard on the energy I felt when the magic first started. A huge fissure opens in the ground, and ten skeletal warriors crawl out. "Don't attack!" I yell. Somehow I know they'll listen to me. "Just hold them at bay." The skeletons nod and turn to the enemy. Annabeth crosses the border and the flag changes from a boar on red to an owl on gray. I stand where I am, panting, drained from the magic and the fissure. I wave my hand, and the skeletons burst into flames. Annabeth, Percy, and Chiron come to my side. Everyone is staring above my head. I look up. Floating above me is a holographic image of a skull. Everyone, including me, gasps. Chiron gets down on his front legs, and everyone else gets down on one knee. "All hail Bailey Shane," Chiron says. "Daughter of Hades, god of the Underworld."

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